Sunday, January 12, 2014

It's Been A While...

Indeed it has. I haven't posted since mid-August. I have missed a lot of material to post here but this is my make up. So here's what went on in my world since my last post:

-The Red Sox won the World Series and the offseason has been erratic so far
-The Patriots rolled on
-College football reahed a new level of insanity
  -Jameis, Johnny Football, Auburn, FSU, etc….
-LeGarrette Blount is a beast like a said in August
-The Celtics were meh, then good, then the top in the Atlantic, then meh and now bad
-The Bruins are still good
-Losing Seidenberg hurts
-RIP Sam Berns
-Winter Olympics start soon
-I have a serious case of World Cup Fever

In the world of Barstool Sports:
- LA opened and then got paused indefinitely and the world was introduced to NickInsider
-DMV (DC-Maryland-Virginia) opened and its writer may be a psychopath midget
-Iowa (?) opened
-Barstool Animated shorts took over the internet
-Barstool lingo has also taken over the internet

There you have it. Trust me, I want to keep this updated with sports and news as much as possible, and will try my hardest once all my college applications and scholarship applications are done and submitted. More time on my hands=more blogs. Pageviews on pageviews.

Hopefully the rest of this year goes Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire flames hot.

"I hope so to, dude."-NickInsider

PS-I will be posting all articles I have written for my schools newspaper soon. Hopefully they have better grammar and whatnot...

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