Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Deadspin Paints Bob Kraft As A Hypocrite

I'm heated and I don't know why. This is something produced by Deadspin. Basically calling Patriots owner Bob Kraft a hypocrite because he says he is against domestic abuse, but oh wait, he once met Floyd Mayweather, a known abuser, during a Monday Night Football game last year and they were captured meeting on TV. Naturally the SHEEP that blindly follow Deadspin and take everything they say as the Bible were calling him a hypocrite and telling Kraft to screw himself and all that. I love it and hate it even though I shouldn't hate it because those people are morons. Kraft and Mayweather met ONE time, and it was on TV because it was a primetime football game and two very wealthy people in the sports business were meeting for the FIRST time. But now that Kraft says domestic abuse is bad he's a hypocrite? Why? Because he was seen with Mayweather briefly last year and hasn't been seen with him since? Implying that they're FRIENDS is asinine. They do not do business together, they don't invite each other to events, they met once. Oh but all the freaking internet trolls and Twitter Know-It-Alls are quick to call him a hypocrite. So I guess meeting somebody who abuses women makes you a supporter of domestic violence. THAT MAKES PLENTY OF SENSE. Seriously, FUCK all the people calling him a hypocrite. It is stupid. STUPID. Read a book for me one time you idiots.

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