Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Wells Report

This Deflate Gate stuff has seriously spiraled out of control. The world is losing its collective mind over the minute changes in PSI in leather balls. Its lunacy. Its stupid. But its a big issue because its the Patriots. Face it, if this was Carolina, or Houston, or whatever, this would not be as blown out of proportion as it has been. And the rest of the league and fans around the globe can try and say it has nothing to do with the bias against the Patriots; but it does. People want to jump down the throats of this organization and any one associated with it because they're fed up with the constant success. I mean, a lot of the people involved in this have vendettas against the Patriots: Mike Kensil, Bill Polian, etc. I don't even want to get into all the stuff in the report, but there are a few things I have to get out.

So after over 100 days we get a 243 page report that basically says "maybe". Actually, the exact words used are "More Probable Than Not". Brady was "generally aware" of any wrongdoing. And those six words are all it took to have people calling for Tom Brady's head. Look, did he do something shady? Yeah, probably. I would die for TB12, but if the man did something wrong, then I can't possibly defend that. There is no spin zone. But now everyone and their grandmother has a hot take. "Suspend Brady for a game! 2 games! 4! 6, 8, A SEASON!" Give me a break. When Shannon Sharpe says he should be out for 2-4 games, Belichick for THE YEAR (after the Wells Report exonerated him of any wrongdoing, idiot), the Pats should lose 1st round draft picks, and get the maximum fine, I wonder how he's employed to professionally give these opinions. Oh wait he'll tell you he's a Hall of Famer! And then he says Belichick should have known, and Sean Payton was in the same position during the Saints' Cash for Concussions operation. Hey dummy, you're wrong. Goodell didn't say "Sean you should have known", he got Payton FOR KNOWING. He was in meetings when players were demanding their money for inflicting physical injuries on opponents. Ron Borges is saying Brady's Hall of Fame status is affected, and used Ken Stabler as a comparison  Stabler possibly bet on games, oh and he also threw 222 interceptions and only 194 touchdowns in 10 seasons. Brady has 342 TDs and 193 INTs. So maybe stats have to do with Stabler not being in the Hall, just a shot in the dark though Ron. 

Oh and we have Jets and Ravens fans talking about how if Brady gets a fine its just a slap on the wrist. So, say, fining Brady $50k per ball is not harsh enough? You want him to get 4 games for knowing about illegal activity? You suck if you think that. And so, we need to crucify a man based on the text messages of two people. there is no concrete evidence to back up the calls of season long suspensions. Hey, what's going to happen to the ref that pumped a ball up to 16 PSI (2.5 PSI more than the legal limit, for those of you keeping score or don't care because it doesn't incriminate the Patriots) during the Jets game mentioned in the report? 

Now I come to the media coverage. I'm studying journalism at a rather prestigious place (Roy H. Park School of Communications at Ithaca College) I'm not trying to come off as arrogant, just trying to get the point across that I'm being taught about the industry by credible and excellent people who have worked in sports journalism before. The job being done by the media is horrible. As journalists we have to be objective. So does this look objective? 

No. But that's New York. How about this one?

Much better right? Seems more objective. Must be from a pro-Patriot publication if its not sentencing Brady to eternal damnation! Oh, wait, its from ARUBA? And we wonder why journalism is absolutely going down the drain in this country...

I've been saying it since day one. The NFL talks about how this is an issue about the "integrity of the game", yet they ran a sting operation. How about level the playing field, IF anything illegal happened, BEFORE the game instead of trying to say "Gotcha!". I won't even bring up the other items that take away from their precious integrity of the game. Not enough people are taking about how hypocritical that is.

I almost hope Tom gets suspended for 2 games. Let Jimmy G go out and get us to 2-0. Then Brady starts Week 3 and comes out like a bat out of hell, puts up 66 points and we go 19-0 and get one for the thumb. He needs to turn into the bad guy, not talk to the media (when Marshawn Lynch does it its funny, but Brady? Ban him for life!) and come out of the locker room to the NWO theme music.

There's honestly so much more to talk about but I may have a seizure if I get too worked up about it.

I'll leave this herePage 228, section 13. " In sum, the data did not provide a basis for us to determine with absolute certainty whether there was or was not tampering as the analysis of such data ultimately is dependent upon assumptions and information that is not certain." 

#BradyLivesMatter #IStandWithTom

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