Monday, December 26, 2016

Did Jesus Have A Hall Of Fame Career? MY COLUMN

A big topic of discussion right now involves those we hold in high regard. Those we consider to be miracle-workers and role models. Those that bring us joy. I am of course talking about the MLB and NBA Hall of Fame nominations. So in that line of thinking, we have to ponder this: did Jesus of Nazareth have a hall of fame career? There are plenty of points for and against.

JC was a superstar. An absolute stud out there, theres no denying that. He's got a great list of credentials. Looking just at his miracles, he cured: the blind, lepers, paralytics, women (they weren't allowed to exist without being dependent on men back then, people forget that), and restored a mans cut off ear without needing to grow it on the back of a rodent.

He also turned water into wine at a wedding when the hosts ran out because they were poor AF probably. He helped catch a ton of fish and walked on water. He raised Lazarus from the dead after four days in a tomb, likely due to the little known fact Lazarus owed Jesus $50 in fantasy football league fees.

Jesus had a massive following, and is still talked about today by millions as a legend, sort of like Michael Jordan or Bill Russell. You don't get 12 disciples for nothing, folks. Jesus had one of the best posse's of all-time, no offense for the p-word. Jesus was born in a manger, a real blue collar, gritty way to come into the world. And he carried that attitude with him. A real pro's pro, student of the game, lunchpail, coaches son, high IQ, deceptively athletic type of guy.

Last but not least, Jesus had the first big comeback. Long before the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead, or the Cubs came back from 3-1 down, Jesus came back from the dead after 3 days. So if you really think about it, the Boston Red Sox weren't the first team to come back from 3-0 down, Jesus was. Really impressive stuff.

A very good resume to be frank. But there are some factors that take away from it.

Like PFT said on the latest episode of Pardon My Take, Jesus had a short career. Great, yes, but short nonetheless. Big Cat expanded not hat thought, saying, "Jesus was an all-time 'what could have been if he just stayed healthy'". Do the miracles and so on cancel out the short career?

He was also betrayed by Judas. While it is unknown why exactly this happened, leading theories include money ad the Devil entering into Judas. Did Jesus have a great posse (no offense)? Yes. But all it takes is one bad egg to ruin your legacy, just look at Aaron Hernandez's friends who had their legacies ruined by that guy who still isn't suspended by the NFL. Jesus somehow let this narc into his squad. And if you have a guy in your crew who is easily corruptible by Satan and allows the Devil into his body that early, that spells trouble. Even more damming is the fact Judas is often compared to Miami Heat-era LeBron James...

Of note, 666 is the Number of the Beast. 
Shocking to say the least. Sidenote...
Uhhhhh, ya think?

Looking at his resurrection, he doesn't have the most returns nor are they the most famous or widely argued about...
Finally, we look at character. A hot topic is if Curt Schilling's Twitter account and off the field views will keep him out of the Baseball Hall of Fame. George Karl recently said Carmelo Anthony and Kenyon Martin carried the burden of being wealthy but not having dads to show them how to be men. Jesus' dad wasn't around very much for him either, and he had an OK stepdad in Joseph, but it was a tumultuous upbringing to say the least, best summarized by Family Guy...

And remember how Dez Bryant got asked at the NFL Combine if his mother was a prostitute? Imagine Jesus having to answer questions about his virgin mother getting pregnant by the Holy Spirit and giving birth, but she was still a virgin. 

So there you have it. Does Jesus belong in the Hall of Fame? I'm inclined to say yes. I would compare him to Rob Gronkowski if Gronk were to retire right now. Phenomenal talents with stacked resumes that were the best at their positions of all time who had short careers due to issues with their bodies, not their minds. 

So, Jesus, congratulations on your induction.

PS-Could Jesus beat Bama???

PPS-I am fully aware I am going to Hell for this. The price you pay. You know who else had to pay the price for his work?

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