Saturday, July 8, 2017

Boys Club, Mens League: Week 7

Hard to believe we've been at this for like 9 weeks total now between games, scrimmages and bye-weeks, but we're starting to near the end of the regular season as the playoffs loom large. This week saw a new opponent, the absence of Jake and the return of Chris #2. 

Actually Good
Playing a lesser opponent when we needed a bounce back. Not something we could control, but after dropping a three-game win streak to a team who already blew us out once, we needed a confidence boost. I'm still waiting for the teams we could beat without any of our top players though...

Actually Bad

Help Defense. While it wasn't exactly the most offensively potent opponent we've faced, the defense this week was pretty good. One thing that wasn't good, and in fact actually bad, was the help defense. Aside from one guy who could hit a few threes, their entire game was getting it into the paint through post passing and driving through the middle. We just didn't talk or help on D. That'll kill us when it comes to better teams. 

Actually Good
Rebounding. It might have been a product of our opponent or a product of luck, but the rebounding was much better this game. There were still a few lapses where they got easy offensive boards and putbacks. But it at least shows potential is there to not lose 85% of rebounds per game. 

Actually Bad

Chris #2 does not have his scoring touch back. He had a good first few weeks, but has been off since then. He still can get his buckets, but nowhere near the volume he's capable of. If he gets back on track and hits a stride alongside Jake and Jordan, we will be deadly. 

Actually Good
Scoring inside the three-point line. We normally jack up a bunch of threes, mainly from Jake, that will go in. We still had a fair share of three's from both Chris's, Jordan, Brian and Jacob, but less than normal, and we ht a good amount of them. But a lot more of the scoring came from midrange jumpers, attacking the basket and especially free throws. We got to the line a ton, definitely more than previous weeks, and shot a very good clip from the line. 

Actually Bad 

Relative lack of scoring without Jake. We still put up good numbers, but not the 90 to 100 point outbursts of recent weeks. It's no secret Jake's our best pure scorer. Jordan has better handles and can absolutely score at will, but is more rounded than Jake. Jake is the guy who will drop 50 points with no assists, Jordan is the guy who can drop 50, but would rather go for 20 points and 20 assists, which is awesome but when he's the top scoring option we'd rather he go for the 50 than the double-double. 

Bonus Actually Bad

My groin. Like two weeks ago my right groin got super tight and despite stretching I would just aggravate it anytime I did anything more than walk. It got worse when I played kickball at camp and thought I damn near tore it off the bone. Well flash forward like a week and it still wasn't better, but I still decided to try and play. I played a fair amount to, but my God was I hurting after. Think I have a break this week since I won't be at our game, so that hopefully helps the healing process. 

Back on track with a good double digit win (writing two days after the games is not conducive to remembering the scores exactly). 4-3 on the season with playoffs coming. 

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