Tuesday, January 9, 2018

My Next Chapter

This has been by far the most challenging few weeks in my semi-professional life. I understood cognitively (Kevin Durant really wants me to believe he knew the word 'cognitively', let alone knew the correct way to use it all by himself? Kudos to his ghostwriter) that I was facing a crossroads in my evolution as a player counselor and as a man, and that it came with exceptionally difficult choices. What I didn’t truly understand, however, was the range of emotions I would feel during this process.
The primary mandate I had for myself in making this decision was to have it based on what is truly best for me and my future as a person that lives on Earth. What would be best for me moving forward? I could job hunt and hopefully find a nice occupation in an office or some other sort of confined space with walls. A monkey cage like I'm a zoo attraction would actually not be too bad now that I think about it, I would likely be safe from attacks by large ursine mammals (talkin' bears, folks), granted the type of metal used and the density of the individual bars would play a large role in whether or not that bear eats me for supper. A nice steel would be preferable, but if they put me in some sort of aluminum contraption it's lights out for me. Not good!
So I could look for a job and hope something hits. As a 22-year-old facing the final few months of college, there is a sentiment that its time to move on. But what if I don't get any bites and end up having to spend the summer at home continuing the job hunt? What then, Max Kellerman? 
It is with much joy that I announce I will be returning to Camp Grossman for a third and final summer. 

I’m from Medfield, MA originally, but Camp Grossman truly raised me, for roughly 17 weeks of my life. It taught me so much about family as well as what it means to be a man who still acts like a child and gets a lot of joy out of beating a bunch of 10 year olds in basketball. There are no words to express what the organization and the community mean to me, and what they will represent in my life and in my heart forever. The memories and friendships are something that go far beyond the counseloring. Those invaluable relationships are what made this deliberation so challenging.
Now believe me when I say this was actually a very tough decision. Signing that contract meant I was committing to 8 weeks in the summer. If God himself came down form the heavens and offered me a job as his social media coordinator and dog walker, but wanted me to start June 1, I'd have to tell him, "Thanks, but I cannot start full-time until September 1. Also, you were a bit of an absentee dad to Jesus, people forget that." 
So, this was not a decision I took lightly. I will obviously be on a job hunt throughout the spring and summer, but this way I will actually be making money while I do it. Very nice! 
So what do I expect from my farewell season? Well, I have a Maccabiah title to defend first and foremost. I want to go out as a back-to-back champion (think Jordan '96-'97, or Drake when he ethered Meek Mill). Has any captain in the history of that camp pulled off a 2nd place-1st place-1st place run in their only 3 years of employment? The Elias Sports Bureau tells me no. I'm ready to make history. 
With some expected turnover to the camp family, I want to prep the next generation of counselors. The ones who look at me and go, "Wow, there goes the LeBron James of this Jewish day camp in Massachusetts." Once the old guard leaves, they need to be ready to step in. The role of mentor and idol has been thrust upon me and I will gladly and humbly accept it. 
Frankly, I need an 8-week Farewell Tour. I never really cherished last summer and never really said a proper goodbye. I will not make that mistake again. I'l take everything in and enjoy it. The ups and the downs. And as is the case with any good farewell tour, I will be accepting gifts, both of the monetary and physical nature. My Venmo (@alexwong85) is indeed open, so feel free to donate to the retirement tour fund wither at this time or at any point over the summer as you see fit. Even donate multiple times if you're feeling good. As I wrote last year, I will accept any and all monetary donations, preferably in large quantities in burlap sacks, paper bags, briefcases with far too many latches and also simply thrown at me like I'm Sepp Blatter...

That is maybe my favorite line I have ever written so I had to include it again.

Camp Grossman has allowed me to grow as a person in a very real sense. For two summers I took on a greater leadership role than I had ever previously encountered outside of a Call of Duty campaign. The experiences I've had have changed me for the better. 
I'll do the whole deep dive when the time is right. The way I see it, there are 8 editions of "This Week in Campers" left to write, so those come before any final reflections. 
It's been an emotional ride since the end of August. I've spoken a lot to my inner circle who helped me reach this conclusion. But in the end, its the one I'm happiest with, and thats enough for me. 

My next chapter isn't about me moving on. It's about me moving forward. It's about adding a third chapter this book. It;s about completing this trilogy. This is my Return of the Jedi. This is Camp Grossman Episode III: Return of the Counselor. 

I'm excited, and you should be as well. We'll have a good time, get some jokes off and take it all in for a final time. 
Welcome to Season 3. Let's get it.
-Alex Wong, Counselor, Kinneret 

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