Saturday, June 9, 2018

Revs Take a Point in Chicago on the Way to Manifest Destiny

First things first: this is New England's first game since the win over NYRB last week. No way did they lose in the Open Cup to Louisville, not a chance. So I won't even mention it further because that could not have happened in this timeline. In others, perhaps, but for sure not this one.

So, first game in a week, wow! Brad Friedel rolled with that same winning lineup from the Red Bull game, meaning a lot of attacking power with Bunbury, Rowe, Fagundez, Penilla and Nemeth. Now, had there been a game earlier this week in which the Revs lost to Louisville, Gabriel Somi hypothetically could have been withdrawn 2/3rds of the way into the game, which is weird since he was out for this game. But with Somi out and Tierney's season done, Claude Dielna was the only real left back on the roster, and even he isn't really a true left back.

Why am I bringing this up? Well, this all came into play midway through the first half when Toni Delamea knocked heads with Nemanja Nikolic and both were bloodied and making their ways to the sidelines. It seemed Brandon Bye would have to come in at right back and push Andrew Farrell to the middle. Toni came back but Nikolic did not. It's also worth noting that we have our newest strong boy on the team and on the internet.

Welcome to Weird Twitter, War Toni.

The Revs never converted on the 11 v 10 situation between Nikolic coming out and Alan Gordon finally getting the green light to sub in for him. Luckily they were looking just fine when both teams were at full strength. The high press seemed to really cause Chicago fits and the Revs were forcing turnovers pretty regularly. The closest they came in the first frame, however, was courtesy of Cristian Penilla with a pretty looking move and some silky footwork.

The closest Chicago came was from a tough angle effort at the edge of the box that was parried away by my man pots and pans Matt Turner.

My friends, the Church of Turner grows daily. Won't you join us?

Second half was more of the same. It was very back and forth for the most part, with both teams playing aggressive defense and getting physical when needed, and all when not needed. 

And then, of course, it all came crashing down.

Nemo whatttttt are you doing? Play to the whistle man, thats day 1 stuff! Instead its Schweinsteiger with a simple give and go for the goal. I am mad online for the defense exposing my largest son Matt to that. 

After that, things got a little chaotic. Bodies everywhere, no one knows what he calls are, someone was decapitated, whole big thing, we had a funeral for a bird.

The chances piled up for the Revsas the dn of the game drew closer, highlighted by Diego playing Penilla through in the box only for the Ecuadorian to rattle one off the near post. 

And then.



The most Revs goal ever. So gritty. That goal is a microcosm for the DNA of this squad. Doesn't always go the route you thought it would take, needs a little help, doesn't give up and then will reward you when you least expect it. I thought we were going full edge here. All the buildup and nothing to come of it. 

The boys had some chances to actually put it away and are all 3 points, but in the end a 1-1 draw will be good enough given the situation. They just played a game in Louisville and now stay on the road for one more in a few days. 

Oh, shit, I mean---they didn't play a game in Louisville haha no way. Nope. That was something else they were on the road for. 

Nearly every game this season has been entertaining for one reason or another.  Some had goals, others had brilliant displays of individual skill. This one had pure chaos. Players were flying around and getting chippy, there was actual blood, weird goals, people yelling, probably some children crying, whistles and no one knowing what the calls were. Pure madness. And thats why its the Beautiful Game. If that doesn't make sense then you just don't get it no offense (which is how you can describe the start of this game am i right). 

Man of the Match
Turner had a shout for this, and Penilla was wildly close but he missed a bunch of chances. That goal was put in the net by Teal but it was scored by Diego. Tireless effort on that one. He had a few key passes to start breaks or get others good looks as well. Pulling all the strings in the midfield and I think he still has another level to reach this season.

Shoutout to our Big Time Fisher Boi.

On the road in a few days to wrap up the Western Expansion. Claude Dielna will miss that one with yellow card accumulation, so we get to see what Big Brain Brad comes up with to work around that one.

Revs 1-1 Chicago

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