Friday, May 10, 2019

A Statment


Oh it's true, it's damn true. After months of uncertainty and, to be frank, displeasure surrounding my status for this upcoming summer, I've finalized an agreement with Camp Grossman, the only team I've known in my professional counselor career, to return for the 2019 season. The two sides were able to hash things out and I gained more clarity on my role. I won't go into any details because right now, none of that matters. All that matters is that I'll be pulling on those colors again. 

It's no secret that at this point I'm a grizzled vet of the game, and as both the camp and the unit go through a period of change, I hope to be a steady presence and someone the rookies can look to. Beyond this year, who knows what happens. There's a very real chance that there's a massive roster overhaul after this season, and that moving forward I won't be part of such a special place. But let's not dwell on that, we have so much to be exited about right now. All I know for certain is that WE, not I, but WE are back. We return a strong core that can lead us to new heights. The shifting personnel throughout the camp will be interesting. But I'm ready for the challenge. 

This is a storied franchise and I'm blessed to be a small part of it. There's no place I'd rather be, so let's make the most of it.

One last thing to do: Cue the music.

Welcome to Season 4.

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