Saturday, April 28, 2018

Revs Byke

A win is a win is a win is a win. At the end of the day thats all that matters. But the way the Revs got to that point in this one is about as Revs as you can think of. 

Brad Friedel  rolled out the same roster as last week, with Juan Agudelo starting along the right wing and Luis Caicedo in central midfield with Scott Caldwell on the bench. 

The nature of the two teams in question, Our Beloved Revs and Sporting Kansas City, meant the game would be very attacking-heavy and more open than we've seen in the past few games. With two aggressive squads, there would be a lot of space opening up, and taking advantage of the space would be key. 

As good as Diego has been this season in the #10 role, the key to this game was Penilla. Creative with blazing speed on the wing against a team that likes to push upfield meant he could get some great looks on a counter attack with teammates making runs through the box. He's the definition of instant offense. I call him Top Ramen cause he'll satisfy that hunger real quick. 

Penilla was also part of what is starting to become a worrisome aspect of the Revs game. The passing looked a little sloppy tonight. We gave up possession more than a few times by just passing it to SKC, and Penilla did it both in this game and in others within the attacking third of the field. I think away from home that kind of stuff will kill this side. You need to take car of the ball to have success. 

It was a relatively even game in terms of possession though. Each team held for long stretches a few times and the balls that New England would pass away, they would end up winning back more often than not. That Core 4 of Caicedo and Zahibo in front of Dielna and Anibaba is looking solid at this point, and then you obviously have a sure handed keeper in Matt Turner. Turner was forced into action like 8 seconds in and had to show his skill a few other times, but for the most part his teammates were making life pretty easy. Turner has apparently requested access to the Ojeleye Factory when he showed off some CombatMuscles though...

A real nice goal line clearance from Big Burly Boy Farrell and then Turner fighting for the ball. Gritty!

As the game wore on you could see the Revs dedication to conditioning start to pay off. KC was looking like they were falling behind the rapid pace of play at times int he second half as the Revs ran them, and ran them, and ran them some more. 

"But what about the score? You said they won! Wheres the goal?"

Great question! I was waiting to get to this. Teal Bunbury with perhaps a goal that is a microcosm for both himself and the Revs organization as a whole.

Diego plays him a pass, the flag goes up since he's clearly offside and he puts it home out of frustration apparently. Well, VAR giveth and VAR taketh away, and in that moment it was feeling more giving than Santa Claus. Replay showed that the ball was actually last contacted by Espinoza, making Teal onside and the goal a good one. How in the world is that the goal that did in KC? How is that a goal that was scored by the Revs and not against them? Are we still on the planet Earth? Does God exist? What is the meaning of life? All of these will remain eternal questions lost to the universe.  We should also fully expect VAR to screw us at least 3 times the rest of the season for this one. 

KC came into this matchup unbeaten since week 1, and it was the Revs to end their streak. Incredible. 

Other notes:

-Kelyn Rowe misses a third straight week with that leg injury, though he was practicing a bit this week and apparently smiled at Paul Mariner in Gillette Stadium, so cause for concern may not be warranted just yet. I'd say if he misses next week as well then we can start thinking about the panic button. But for now, we're fine. Everything's fine. We're fine.

-On two separate occasions, Claude Dielna the central defender was trying to show off his skills. It looked like a 12 year old spamming an XBOX controller. Step over, step over, feint, step over, sombrero attempt, it gets kicked out of bounds. The guy is too much. 

Man of the Match
Look when you're hot you're hot. Thats 4 goals in 5 games now for the Man Between Blue And Green. It's been a case of "Right Place, Right Time" for him. Whether he meant to do it or not, he put that ball in the back of net for the lone goal of the game. His work rate in the press can also not go unnoticed. He was making life difficult for SKC as they attempted to build up their offense. Good in ya Boonbury. 

I spent more time than I care to admit trying to think of a song for Teal and gave up and put this song which is good. 

Up in Montreal next week for a 1 pm kick. I hope I'm awake by then. Clue the music!


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Debunking The “No Lamar Jackson” Narrative

Lamar Jackson is one of the more talented quartebacks college football has seen, and he is one of the more polarizing players in tonights draft. There’s been talk about whether he can translate his game over to the NFL, talk about a possible position change, talk about him shutting down that speculation, talk about who needs him, talk about where he’ll land. He’s a human highlight reel…

He’s electric!!!
I fall in the category of people who think he is not only a talented player, but that he is also a quarterback. I’ve seen a lot of chatter on the interwebs from fellow Patriots fans about why they don’t want Lamar Jackson in New England. The team is obviously interested in him, given his two visits and words like “infatuated” being thrown around in regard to New England brass’ opinions on the former Heisman winner from Louisville.
So let’s debunk the two most prominent.
Doesn’t Fit the System
“The System” has long been an excuse for failures of players for as long as football has been around. It’s true that teams and coaches have their preferred styles of play. Air It Out offenses, 4–3 or 3–4 defenses, Air Coryell, blitz-heavy, things of that nature, Max Kellerman. We’ve seen a handful of quarterbacks in the Patriots’, and more specifically Josh McDaniels’, system. The only ones to see extended time ont he field are Tom Brady, Matt Cassel, Jimmy Garoppolo and Jacoby Brissett. Brady is the Gold Standard when it comes to the Patriots’ System, obviously. He IS the System. He’s what the playbook and schemes are built upon, becuase you know what youre gonna get and know what he’s good at. You’re not gonna get 15-yard runs when the pocket breaks down, its gonna be quick slants and screen passes to beat the pressure. The two times Brady has missed games is when the others took over. With each of them you are able to see how the System is adaptable. Cassel is more in a Brady mold in context. He’s a stay-at-home pocket passer and won’t beat you with the long ball. He doesnt have Brady’s brain and wiring, so the System got tweaked for him. At its core it was still the same, but with modifications to play to the quarterbacks’ strengths. The same happened with Jimmy G. A great mind and good physically, with good thorwing ability and plus-movement. But without Brady’s experience you had to tweak the System to tailor to him. When Jacoby Brissett stepped in when Jimmy went down, we saw the most drastic alterations. McDaniel’s added designed QB runs and simplified the passing scheme for the rookie. Despite the fact the “System” is adaptable and the fact that you can change the system entirely when Brady retire, Pats fans do not want him.
There have been questions about Jackson’s accuracy and throwing ability. I dont have to post numbers and stuff here becuase 1) you ahve the same Google as me, and 2) he’s a good passer based on my eye test. Jackson has not run the 40, likely stemming form his desire to quell the idea he should siwtch to receiever. He’s only been working on throwing. He clearly wants to be taken seriously as a passer. On a scale where at one extreme you have Michael Vick and Cam Newton and Johnny Manziel (rocket arms that really make a living off their legs both running and scrambling, but also keeping defenses on their toes) and at the other end is Tom Brady and Drew Brees (complete pocket surgeon, not a big run guy), I think Lamar falls somewhere very close to the middle, similar to Brissett (who patriots fans adore because of a couple games and Tom Brady Instagram posts) you can design runs for him like we saw with Brissett and still run your regular style offense. Jackson gets develop under the GOAT and pick up things like Jimmy and Jacoby did. And if the unfortunate happens and Lamar needs to step in sooner than expected, you can just blow the dust off of the Brissett Playbook. It seems like a win-win.
He doesn’t fit the “Patriot Way”
I’m getting real goddamn sick of entitled Patriots fans bringing up the Patriot Way when it comes to guys like Lamar and Odell. Focus on Lamar for now. The Patriot way at its core is all about hard work and doing what you can to help the team reach its ultimate goal. Lamar Jackson is a competitor, at his core he wants to win. He will do what he can to help the team. Start, backup, do the scout team and mimic Russ Wilson and Phil Rivers and whoever the Jets draft. What was he knocked for in the past? His passing ability. What has he been focusing all his energy on ahead of the draft? His passing ability. He’s busting his ass to improve and staying out of the media. That’s what the Patriot way is, no? On Odell, he shows passion, and I don’t hate that. He can be a bit much at times, sure, but he’s a phenomenal talent, a competitor and I think if you give him a change of scenery and bring him into the “System” he will be focused on the ultimate goal. He adores Tom Brady. Ochocinco didn’t produce like we hoped, but it was a style and scheme problem, not an attitude problem. One of the most flamboyant wideouts in NFL history came here and virtually shut down his prior personality to commit himself to the team, and you don’t think Odell can also do that? Gronk remains a boisteorus perosnality and he’s been fine. Even if you think he’s self centered, imagine thinking he wouldn’t do everything he can to help Brady win his last ring, What it would do for his own personal legacy. He’d work his ass off for that.
I hope the patriots take Lamar Jackson, I just don’t think he’ll fall that far in the draft. But if you are a Patriot fan and don’t want Lamar Jackson and/or Odell Beckham Jr. on this team, you are a savage and an idiot.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Back To The Drawing Board (Get It?)

There's a reason US Soccer fans cite Columbus, Ohio as one of the preferred places for a national stadium should we ever go that route (we won't). The weather and the fans make it a tough place to play for any team. It was imperative that the Revs go into MAPFRE and get some kind of result though. And thats what they did. It wasn't pretty but they did what they needed to.

Friedel made one change to the lineup: Juan Agudelo started at forward with Scott Caldwell replacing him on the bench, and Luis Caicedo dropping back into midfield next to Zahibo. Most likely, he was looking to get some additional firepower against a good team in hopes of jumping out to an early lead and holding momentum.

The key for the Revs on defense was trying to contain Federico Higuain. He's one of the best playmakers in the league, and has been for a number of years, and giving him anything easy was asking for trouble. The defense did end up doing a pretty good job with him; he was having to really work to create chances. Now don't get me wrong, he still had very good stats...
... but nothing came easy, which is something to feel good about. We're not just rolling over for good players and letting them pat our bellies.

The Crew had a much easier time breaking the press than teams in the past few games, and right off the bat they had a nice looking chance that was snuffed out and turned into a 3 on 2 counter. That ended in Penilla getting the ball and passing it to a Crew defender in the 18 yard box. Definitely one you want back.

The Crew did end up drawing first blood, but on a Revolution goal.

Farrell rightly pissed after that bit of bad luck. I was really impressed with how Turner handled it though. Got right up and offered encouragement to the Big Burly Boy. A calm, cool, veteran mindset from the youngster.

Luckily the Revs got it right back.

Just a brilliant pass from Penilla. It almost looked like he was ready to cross and then when the space between defenders opened up he put the ball through the middle and onto Teal's foot. The Man Between Blue And Green gave it a heavy touch to the outside and then somehow struck it in just the right way that it skipped along the ground and into the net from a tough angle. It was one of those goals that makes you wonder why he can't finish the easy ones, but can put that home no problem. Very Giroud-esque if I must say.

The Crew took the lead back thanks to Gyasi Zardes.

Just a great individual effort from Zardes. The cut inside and low shot with pace to the far corner. I've never been a Zardes fan. I always thought he underperformed for the national team. But he's been very good under Greg Berhalter this season. Maybe all he needed was a change of scenery and a good coach to reach another level. Maybe he'll still be awful on the national stage. I'm not sure if I want to know the answer to that.

Columbus had the 2-1 lead, and then the Revs did the thing where they tied it up right after.

Alright cool lets see how many of these I can fit in...

Ok thats good for now. A downright filthy effort from Juan Agudelo. The Swag Man touches it over a defender, keeps it up again, lets it fall, and send the half volley over to Penilla, who one-times the volley into the twine. It was mostly sexual for me.

After that there were chances that neither side could finish off. Teal had a header get knocked aside, Diego made a great run and played it off to Penilla who put one right into Zack Steffen's chest. But the defensive efforts down the stretch cannot be understated. Penilla was robbed again by Jonathon Mensah, Jalil Alibaba made some nice blocks, Claude Dielna made a perfect slide tackle to break up a run by Zardes
Multiple times you had guys putting themselves between the ball and the net, and it paid off in the form of a point each. A 2-2 draw, a result more importantly, in a tough road game. We saw resolve and a fighting spirit from this team. Hard fought and coming away from it healthy, least we can ask for.

Other notes:
-Kelyn Rowe missed tonight's match with that lingering injury that kept him out last week. He should be back in the 18 once he's 100%, and before that I say don't risk him. I'd rather wait a few weeks for him to be right than try and force him into it at anything less.

-MLS teams this week are wearing special jerseys as part of an initiative with Parley for the Oceans for Earth Day. The jerseys are made with yarn from ocean plastic or something, I'll be honest with you I don't really get the technology behind it but I do now they look FIRE.

White for the home teams and a cool carbon for the away. I think the Revs especially wore the carbon well, as did Orlando City (Dom Dwyer can make anything look cool though). It probably wont happen, but this would be a great look as a third jersey should those ever come back. 

You can check out all the Parley jerseys HERE.

-Swaggy almost had a worldy 

-Penilla's performance brings him to 2 goals and 4 assists in 7 games. The dude will continue to feast on counter attacks. Having to try and stop him in space must be so scary for opposing defenders. 

-Columbus Capital J Journos can get these hands 

Bring it nerds.

Man of the Match

Jalil Anibaba was shutdown tonight. Coulda done better on the Zardes goal but he was immense other than that. He was going up and dueling with Zardes in the air and had some huge blocks.

The way he celebrates after those plays is electric. Passion pouring out of him. It's an edge that some fans noted they also saw in former Revs standout defender AJ Soares. There's a reason why Toni Delamea, last seasons Team MVP, is stuck to the bench. Anibaba REFUSES to give that spot up. He's pulled a Tom Brady on Drew Bledsoe. He's Wally Pipp'd Toni. I did not see this happening when we signed Jalil for depth. You need to ride the hot hand and the guy is on a heater right now. Absolute class performance from him tonight.

Next week its back to the Fortress to take on Sporting Kansas City. Let's start a new winning streak in the friendly confines.

Revs 2-2 Crew

Friday, April 20, 2018

In Honor Of Avicii: Throwback to the Avicii Tongue Girl

If you haven't heard, Avicii was announced dead today at the age of 28. Incredibly sad stuff. The Swedish maestro stopped doing live shows in 2016 citing health concerns, and he had been diagnosed with acute pancreatitis as a result of excessive alcohol usage. But he was still putting out bangers. He was a revolutionary in a sense; he truly brought EDM to the forefront of the mainstream. Daft Punk and Swedish House Mafia obviously had success before Avicii, but they were still very much niche. Of al the hits he's had, and there have been a lot, one clearly stands out above the rest. It's what made Avicii. 

When Levels came out in 2011 I was ready to head into Sophomore year of high school. Levels was a staple of the locker room, everyones playlist, the radio, etc. It was a song you'd hear every so often and remember just how good it is. Like a week ago it came on randomly on Spotify and it still held up as an awesome song, as it has every time before and will continue to do in the future. It's infectious. But perhaps most important, it gave birth to one of my most memorable internet videos of all time. 

Jody the Avicii Tongue Girl. 

I was scrolling through as I have been one to do for some time now. I came across a blog from KFC, and it contained this video. Two and a half minutes of a girl in a college dorm room making her tongue dance to Levels. Do you remember the first time you fell in love? I remember when I was younger I thought I knew that feeling watching Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera on MTV and award shows. It wasn't until this video came across my retinas that I knew what I felt so many years prior was not love. Those were mere schoolyard crushes. But now? Now I was 15 and knew what love was for the first time. This was a goddamn WOMAN. A QUEEN. I mean, just look at it. Look at it! Look at how she makes her tongue move, the devilish grins. I'm getting red-faced just thinking about it, and not in the "Let me tell you why this red facepaint I'm wearing to a Cleveland Indians game is actually not racist and why Chief Wahoo is not problematic" kinda way. 

I sit here 7 years later, a 22 year old man child, and watch that video and know that I am not yet completely devoid of all feeling and emotion. I'm like 97% there, but that 3% will be hard to shave away. It was a landmark moment in my life. 

Jody was posted as a Smokeshow on Barstool not too long after that video, but I think I actually like her in the video more than the carefully selected group of photos to make her look as hot as possible. It not only shows off her looks but her personality as well. In those 2 minutes and 30 seconds she is the most fun-loving and carefree person in the whole world. 

And its all because of Avicii. If he doesn't make Levels, Jody doesn't wag her tongue to the beat. I never see the video because its never made. Who knows where I would be without that 6 year old video of Jody making tongue O's to Levels. Maybe on track for a high paying career. Maybe on my way to being a corrupt political figure. You know where I wouldn't be if that video never existed? Sitting in my room writing a blog about a 6 year old video thats 2.5 minutes of a cute girl making her tongue dance to a hot ass EDM track while contemplating if a relationship with someone I have never and will never meet* based entirely off of said video is the pinnacle of my love life in an emotional sense. So checkmate haters. Cause Levels DID happen, and that video WAS made, and now I AM sitting in my room doing just that instead of being a productive member of society. 

In all seriousness, Jody the Avicii Tongue Girl might be the single sexiest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. 

*I found out today that Jody passed away in 2015. I am heartbroken to say the least. RIP in Peace. Been a ROUGH one folks,,,,

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Revs Answer My Question From Last Week By Losing

Well, that was bound to happen. This is my official reminder to not get too high on this team. Flying too close to the sun with wings made of a 4-game unbeaten run on the year and an 11-game game run unbeaten at home. Undefeated FC Dallas came to Fortress Foxboro and showed why they've yet to lose this season.

Dallas is still without standout goalkeeper Jesse Gonzalez and midfield stalwart Kellyn Acosta, but they still have Oscar Pareja at the helm, and for that reason they will always be a threat. He's considered one of the best head coaches in the league for a reason, and it showed tonight.

The Revs controlled the style of play early with their press, as we've seen for weeks now. They maintained a good amount of pressure that forced Dallas to go with the long ball a bit more than they would normally like to as they're another "build for the back" squad. Where Pareja comes into play is that Dallas was able to adjust very fast and make it an even game. Like, it was 50-50 the whole way. Each team had their chances that were either wasted or snuffed out by the goalies.

The Revs were particularly sloppy in the final third. That final pass just wasn't there, a few good chances were easy saves in the end, more than one shot ended up in the stands. Wilfried Zahibo especially loves blasting shots from 20 miles out and putting them out of Gillette and onto the roof of Splitsville.

There's something about Gillette Stadium that just makes teams play bend-don't-break defense. The Patriots mastered it, but the Revs this season have shown they are just fine playing that way as well. The problem comes when you do break and also don't have Tom Brady at the ready to engineer a game winning drive. Teal had his chances, Scotty had a nice chance, Diego biffed a chance. One of the common threads form this game is that a lot of good chances came from mid-range shots near the edge of the box or just a few feet inside of it. Especially when you're relatively open, you have to finish in that area. It's doubly true when you play a very good team that you know will capitalize on on your one mistake.

And that's just what Dallas did.

For 99% of the game, the Revs did a good job pushing most of Dallas' attacks out wide. Matt Turner notably came off his line once to force the attack back out and allowed his defenders to get back into position. It only took one mishit to change the game.

Andre Farrell can't clear the cross, it falls to Roland Lamah who plays it into the box, and Jacori Hayes makes the run across the goal and sneaks his way into space to finish it. Farrell and Somi had been putting in work all game long but it just didn't break their way. Farrell had this, Somi had a few head-scratching passes after working hard to get good looks. The effort outweighed the final result for those two.

The Revs thought they had a chance to tie it up with a penalty shot, but the ref decided this was not a penalty on Nemeth.

Which would be very consistent with how the game was called. Not a lot of whistles as the players were allowed to just duke it out. The only two problems with that: 1) Nemeth gets called for a foul just before that when he whiffed on a  shot and made contact with a defender, and 2) That was a foul in the box and should have been a penalty. I actually can kinda see not getting that call on the road, but at home thats a penalty.

And so, FC Dallas came in and broke the streak to the tune of 1-0. I guess we at least can be thankful that it was at least exciting. Last season this game would have been worse than just pouring bleach directly onto your cornea. Friedel at least has the boys playing aggressive, attacking football.

Other notes:
-Kelyn Rowe misses the 18 after apparently picking up a slight knock yesterday during training. The word is that its not considered too serious and that he'll be monitored over the next few days. Hoping this was just precautionary and wont be a lingering injury.

Man of the Match

The Cult Leader had a great game. Not much he could do on the goal, and aside from that it was another strong showing for the kid. He made some nice saves and damn near got a shot off at the end. The bright spot just keeps getting brighter. Join Us, Won't You?

Away to Columbus in one week's time. Get back on the horse and get an away win. Let's see how the team bounces back after a frustrating night and heading into a tough environment. 

Revs 0-1 DALLAS

Friday, April 6, 2018

Will This Team Ever Lose Again?

Part of being a Big J Journalist is being able to ask the tough questions. You don't always want to do it, but its just something that needs to be done. All part of the role you play. 

And so I must ask the tough question on everyones mind: Will the New England Revolution ever lose another game again ever?

My knee jerk response is quite simple: No. 

After the opening day loss in Philly, the Revs are on a 4-game unbeaten streak that includes 3 wins, with a 10-3 goal advantage in those 4 games. 

Brad Friedel rolled out the same lineup as last time, with the only change being Krisztian Nemeth replacing Zach Heriveaux on the bench. As much as we love Toni Delamea, this game further cemented the fact that Jalil Anibaba is on an absolute heater right now. He's been so good, and it might take injury for him to give up his spot in the XI at this point. It also seems that Teal Bunbury has locked up his spot as a starter. While I think Juan and Nemeth are more talented strikers and better finishers, I can't deny that Teal seems to really fit Brad's system nicely. 

And he proved it by scoring the opening goal after Montreal, already missing captain Ignacio Piatti, went down a man following Saipher Taider's dangerous challenge on Luis Caicedo. 

Now, the TSN crew on my stream was actually very good and objective all game, but in this instance they were in the Spin Zone trying to reason why this should not be a red card. Now, whether it was truly malicious is one thing, that can be argued for sure. But thats a dangerous play. I get that Taider was trying to make a move with the ball. But you know what he left behind? The ball. Instead it looks like he gave up possession and then stomped Caicedo's leg. If it happened to the Revs I'd agree with the red as well. It looks very bad and dangerous, so he got a red. Simple.

But yes, it lead to a Teal goal in back-to-back games.

A good finish, yes, but my goodness, the concentration from Teal on this goal is absolute class. I think last season Teal loses the ball or tried to go up for it and lets Montreal snuff out that attack. Instead, he keeps his eye on it, collects it in the box and composes himself to put it past Evan Bush.

The Revs got awarded a penalty after challenges in the box on Penilla and Teal.

Could have been given for wither challenge, pretty straightforward stuff, so naturally it took roughly 3 days for VAR to confirm. The ref waited for confirmation in his earpiece, and waited, and waited, and waited, and then had to go over to the video himself to watch it, and we waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, and in the end it was confirmed to be a spot kick, which Diego took. And it was saved, so VAR just iced a kicker inside Gillette Stadium outside of NFL season for the first time.


But fear not, at the end of the 8 minute stoppage time (lolololol VAR tech not working) Andrew Farrell, in his 5th MLS season, scored his 1st career goal.

My heart is so full! Look at him run after he scores! Look at the team running after him and the pig pile! Look at it! Look how happy he is!

If you don't love seeing that from and for the Big Time Burly Boy, you are a big wet blanket.

Diego made it 3 in the second half.

Beauty of a ball from Rowe, picking out Diego slipping through the back. Kelyn has been shaky with his passing lately, so its good to see him get this one in, get the assist and hopefully get some confidence back.

And finally...

The Marcus Smarf of the Revs opens his account off a set piece. Good movement from the unmarked Zahibo to get behind Dielna and his man, and a nice finish form a guy we've only seen kick field goals from 35 yards out. Not to mention he called it before the game:

I really think the big story is Teal Bunbury. He missed a few chances tonight but overall his play was solid. He really is a good fit for Friedel's system; he works hard at all times, has good movement, a good defensive work rate on the press and can (CAN) finish. I think at this point we have to just accept that he'll miss a few chances per game, but his play as a whole is good enough that Brad can justify playing him.

Teal's play has actually served as a bit of a metaphor for this Revs team this season so far. 

Slow start that left us searching for answers in the opening loss, and from there both Teal and the Revs have gotten better each game. The goals have come for each. They've each been finding their style as of late. Both are on a nice, upwards trajectory as things stand right now.

A few more notes:

-Matt Turner was not tested in the slightest in this game, but he did show one thing I liked. Early on a ball was rolling towards the Revs baseline, with an Impact player in a footrace with Jalil. A lot of the time you'll see a keeper either stay in his net and let the defender sort it out, or make a late or half-hearted run at the ball that can lead to disaster. But Matt Turner was aggressive and went right at it full speed ahead, clearing it with a nice long ball that found Diego. I love that aggressiveness and mindset from the kid to go right at it with no hesitation. The Cult of Turner is growing by the game, won't you join us?

- The refs were pretty spotty on all sides all game long. Just classic MLS.

-The Revs still look a little sloppy, but they're finally starting to settle into their style of play. Brad Friedel's system is starting to take hold like Venom

After starting with a very aggressive and in your face press that gave up possession in exchange for keeping the other team basically entirely out of your half with catastrophic results if they break the lines, Brad has adapted and kept the press but has maintained the more relaxed approach to it that has evened out possession time and made the counter attack more dangerous. They had more chances and more dangerous chances in this game. They look like they're finally playing with a purpose and an identity that is shared entirely with every player not he field and every player that comes in off the bench. It's refreshing to see and a lot of fun to watch.

Man of the Match

Plenty of cases can be mad there, but Farrell take sit for me with his goal and solid defensive play. I mean I'm really supposed to deny this face MOTM honors????

That would be like kicking a large puppy. I also need to make a correction. Zahibo is not the Semi of this team, as I noted earlier he is the Smarf. Andrew Farrell is the leader of the Revs Branch of the Ojeleye Factory. Combat muscles for days. A Strong Man at Sport. Thick, jacked frame indeed.

And so, the Burly Boy is your MOTM on this Friday. 

I mean, buddy,,,,

In awe at the size of this lad. Absolute unit. 

FC Dallas visits The Fortress in 8 days for a 730 PM kickoff. Keep. This Ball. ROLLING. 

REVS 4-0 Montreal. Cue the music!