Friday, April 20, 2018

In Honor Of Avicii: Throwback to the Avicii Tongue Girl

If you haven't heard, Avicii was announced dead today at the age of 28. Incredibly sad stuff. The Swedish maestro stopped doing live shows in 2016 citing health concerns, and he had been diagnosed with acute pancreatitis as a result of excessive alcohol usage. But he was still putting out bangers. He was a revolutionary in a sense; he truly brought EDM to the forefront of the mainstream. Daft Punk and Swedish House Mafia obviously had success before Avicii, but they were still very much niche. Of al the hits he's had, and there have been a lot, one clearly stands out above the rest. It's what made Avicii. 

When Levels came out in 2011 I was ready to head into Sophomore year of high school. Levels was a staple of the locker room, everyones playlist, the radio, etc. It was a song you'd hear every so often and remember just how good it is. Like a week ago it came on randomly on Spotify and it still held up as an awesome song, as it has every time before and will continue to do in the future. It's infectious. But perhaps most important, it gave birth to one of my most memorable internet videos of all time. 

Jody the Avicii Tongue Girl. 

I was scrolling through as I have been one to do for some time now. I came across a blog from KFC, and it contained this video. Two and a half minutes of a girl in a college dorm room making her tongue dance to Levels. Do you remember the first time you fell in love? I remember when I was younger I thought I knew that feeling watching Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera on MTV and award shows. It wasn't until this video came across my retinas that I knew what I felt so many years prior was not love. Those were mere schoolyard crushes. But now? Now I was 15 and knew what love was for the first time. This was a goddamn WOMAN. A QUEEN. I mean, just look at it. Look at it! Look at how she makes her tongue move, the devilish grins. I'm getting red-faced just thinking about it, and not in the "Let me tell you why this red facepaint I'm wearing to a Cleveland Indians game is actually not racist and why Chief Wahoo is not problematic" kinda way. 

I sit here 7 years later, a 22 year old man child, and watch that video and know that I am not yet completely devoid of all feeling and emotion. I'm like 97% there, but that 3% will be hard to shave away. It was a landmark moment in my life. 

Jody was posted as a Smokeshow on Barstool not too long after that video, but I think I actually like her in the video more than the carefully selected group of photos to make her look as hot as possible. It not only shows off her looks but her personality as well. In those 2 minutes and 30 seconds she is the most fun-loving and carefree person in the whole world. 

And its all because of Avicii. If he doesn't make Levels, Jody doesn't wag her tongue to the beat. I never see the video because its never made. Who knows where I would be without that 6 year old video of Jody making tongue O's to Levels. Maybe on track for a high paying career. Maybe on my way to being a corrupt political figure. You know where I wouldn't be if that video never existed? Sitting in my room writing a blog about a 6 year old video thats 2.5 minutes of a cute girl making her tongue dance to a hot ass EDM track while contemplating if a relationship with someone I have never and will never meet* based entirely off of said video is the pinnacle of my love life in an emotional sense. So checkmate haters. Cause Levels DID happen, and that video WAS made, and now I AM sitting in my room doing just that instead of being a productive member of society. 

In all seriousness, Jody the Avicii Tongue Girl might be the single sexiest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. 

*I found out today that Jody passed away in 2015. I am heartbroken to say the least. RIP in Peace. Been a ROUGH one folks,,,,

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