Thursday, April 26, 2018

Debunking The “No Lamar Jackson” Narrative

Lamar Jackson is one of the more talented quartebacks college football has seen, and he is one of the more polarizing players in tonights draft. There’s been talk about whether he can translate his game over to the NFL, talk about a possible position change, talk about him shutting down that speculation, talk about who needs him, talk about where he’ll land. He’s a human highlight reel…

He’s electric!!!
I fall in the category of people who think he is not only a talented player, but that he is also a quarterback. I’ve seen a lot of chatter on the interwebs from fellow Patriots fans about why they don’t want Lamar Jackson in New England. The team is obviously interested in him, given his two visits and words like “infatuated” being thrown around in regard to New England brass’ opinions on the former Heisman winner from Louisville.
So let’s debunk the two most prominent.
Doesn’t Fit the System
“The System” has long been an excuse for failures of players for as long as football has been around. It’s true that teams and coaches have their preferred styles of play. Air It Out offenses, 4–3 or 3–4 defenses, Air Coryell, blitz-heavy, things of that nature, Max Kellerman. We’ve seen a handful of quarterbacks in the Patriots’, and more specifically Josh McDaniels’, system. The only ones to see extended time ont he field are Tom Brady, Matt Cassel, Jimmy Garoppolo and Jacoby Brissett. Brady is the Gold Standard when it comes to the Patriots’ System, obviously. He IS the System. He’s what the playbook and schemes are built upon, becuase you know what youre gonna get and know what he’s good at. You’re not gonna get 15-yard runs when the pocket breaks down, its gonna be quick slants and screen passes to beat the pressure. The two times Brady has missed games is when the others took over. With each of them you are able to see how the System is adaptable. Cassel is more in a Brady mold in context. He’s a stay-at-home pocket passer and won’t beat you with the long ball. He doesnt have Brady’s brain and wiring, so the System got tweaked for him. At its core it was still the same, but with modifications to play to the quarterbacks’ strengths. The same happened with Jimmy G. A great mind and good physically, with good thorwing ability and plus-movement. But without Brady’s experience you had to tweak the System to tailor to him. When Jacoby Brissett stepped in when Jimmy went down, we saw the most drastic alterations. McDaniel’s added designed QB runs and simplified the passing scheme for the rookie. Despite the fact the “System” is adaptable and the fact that you can change the system entirely when Brady retire, Pats fans do not want him.
There have been questions about Jackson’s accuracy and throwing ability. I dont have to post numbers and stuff here becuase 1) you ahve the same Google as me, and 2) he’s a good passer based on my eye test. Jackson has not run the 40, likely stemming form his desire to quell the idea he should siwtch to receiever. He’s only been working on throwing. He clearly wants to be taken seriously as a passer. On a scale where at one extreme you have Michael Vick and Cam Newton and Johnny Manziel (rocket arms that really make a living off their legs both running and scrambling, but also keeping defenses on their toes) and at the other end is Tom Brady and Drew Brees (complete pocket surgeon, not a big run guy), I think Lamar falls somewhere very close to the middle, similar to Brissett (who patriots fans adore because of a couple games and Tom Brady Instagram posts) you can design runs for him like we saw with Brissett and still run your regular style offense. Jackson gets develop under the GOAT and pick up things like Jimmy and Jacoby did. And if the unfortunate happens and Lamar needs to step in sooner than expected, you can just blow the dust off of the Brissett Playbook. It seems like a win-win.
He doesn’t fit the “Patriot Way”
I’m getting real goddamn sick of entitled Patriots fans bringing up the Patriot Way when it comes to guys like Lamar and Odell. Focus on Lamar for now. The Patriot way at its core is all about hard work and doing what you can to help the team reach its ultimate goal. Lamar Jackson is a competitor, at his core he wants to win. He will do what he can to help the team. Start, backup, do the scout team and mimic Russ Wilson and Phil Rivers and whoever the Jets draft. What was he knocked for in the past? His passing ability. What has he been focusing all his energy on ahead of the draft? His passing ability. He’s busting his ass to improve and staying out of the media. That’s what the Patriot way is, no? On Odell, he shows passion, and I don’t hate that. He can be a bit much at times, sure, but he’s a phenomenal talent, a competitor and I think if you give him a change of scenery and bring him into the “System” he will be focused on the ultimate goal. He adores Tom Brady. Ochocinco didn’t produce like we hoped, but it was a style and scheme problem, not an attitude problem. One of the most flamboyant wideouts in NFL history came here and virtually shut down his prior personality to commit himself to the team, and you don’t think Odell can also do that? Gronk remains a boisteorus perosnality and he’s been fine. Even if you think he’s self centered, imagine thinking he wouldn’t do everything he can to help Brady win his last ring, What it would do for his own personal legacy. He’d work his ass off for that.
I hope the patriots take Lamar Jackson, I just don’t think he’ll fall that far in the draft. But if you are a Patriot fan and don’t want Lamar Jackson and/or Odell Beckham Jr. on this team, you are a savage and an idiot.

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