Sunday, July 10, 2016

Revs Are Back As Kei Kamara Scores Against His Former Team

Cue the music!

After a pitiful let down of a game resulting is a loss to NYCFC on Wednesday, the Revs bounced back big time against Columbus with a 3-1 win. Despite some subpar officiating that makes you wonder home cooking is actually a thing that happens (Welcome to the Geiger Show), the Revs got back into the playoff picture for the time being.

-Lineup Notes: With Bobby serving a suspension after his red card against NYCFC, Brad Knighton got another start in net. Heaps rolled out his new favorite backline of Tierney, JoGo, London and Farrell. Scotty and Watson in the midfield, Captain Lee creating in the middle with Kelyn and Teal on his sides. Former Crew player Kei Kamara the lone striker up top. Gerson Koffie was questionable, but ultimately didn't even make the 18, along with Juan and Charlie. My gut says two of the three are back in the lineup next week.

-Lee starts it off early:
What a strike. Calm, cool, collected. I know when that hotline bling...

-I thought Lee played very well this game, especially in comparison with last game where he was putrid. His movement was good, and he seemed to have better vision as well.

- A Will Trapp own goal makes it 2-0:

Thought Kelyn had it live. We'll give Kei the assist anyways.

-Ola Kamara cuts the deficit to 2-1 for Columbus:

Brad reallyyyyy should have had that. Gets something on it but just lets it squeak by.

-Kei Kamara is the Ultimate Opportunist:

Definitely a little controversial as it appeared Teal had a penalty shout, but when the whistle doesn't blow, and your opponents let you have a free shot, you take it and score. Heart Shaped Hands baby.

-Shoutout Kelyn Rowe, who played awesome as well. He's so versatile and can excel in literally any role you give him. He has a long term spot in the XI as long as he's healthy. Ride the hot hand Jay.

Man Of The Match
A goal and (kind of) assist against his former team. The floodgates have opened. Kei is taking us all the way up. 

Quick shoutout to the crowd as well. A great atmosphere, and you can tell the summer season is upon us because the place was packed (by Revs/Gillette MLS standards). While the Fort is known for leading the chants, a guy next to me on the broadcast side (across form the team benches and near the opposite end of the Fort) started doing the Iceland Viking Chant...

And let me tell you something. It was LIVE. EVERYONE on the section was getting into it. Imagine a full stadium doing that? Some people on Reddit were not too happy with it, but you know what? at least people outside the Fort were getting into the game and fan atmosphere. I love the supporters groups in the Fort, but they do sort of just do the same three chants over and over and over and over. The Viking Clap was something new, trendy and easy to do and follow along with. I hope we keep it up for the rest of the season. It doesnt have to carry over into next season, just do it until our last game of the year. Oh and that guy and his friends also started trolling Tottenham with a chant at the end of the game. You know, because It's Happened Again...

At Real Salt Lake next Saturday at 10 PM (stupid West Coast time). Let's get Mormon. 

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