Saturday, July 2, 2016

Revs Poop Their Pants, Give Up 3 Unanswered And Fall To Montreal 3-2

Back at it. Took the US Open Cup game off since it started when I got home from work. Nice little W  over the Cosmos though. Kei got his first goal wearing the New England jersey (though I'm not counting it officially since it wasn't in MLS play). But with the boys up in Montreal and just behind the Impact in the standings, this was a big game before a two game homestead.

-Lineup Notes: Brad Knighton with another start in net after Bobby got the win over the Cosmos. Seems Heaps has decided that the Woodberry-at-CB-Farrell-at-RB situation is here to stay. A good move, since Farrell is obviously more comfortable on the right. Letting Farrell and JoGo help London out masks his inefficiencies as well, which were far too apparent in his games playing as a full back. Daigo with another start next to Scotty as Koffie is still out. Lee (with captains armband) in the middle of Kelyn and Teal, with Kei up top. Samba, Diego, Herivaux, Watson on the bench, as was Femi, who missed the last three contests with a hammy. Davies and Juan both out of the 18.

-Lee's hair wasn't the color of a fresh snow storm, so it was harder to pick him during wide shots. Bummer.
-Good stop by Brad early on. Would have been a disastrous and very Revs-like start:

The release of pressure from the defense up to  Nguyen, Nguyen playing a good pass to Rowe, Rowe controlling it and then playing a perfectly timed through ball to Kei who put it home. A picture perfect goal from the Revs, and a sign that the team we expected them to be is still there somewhere down deep.


That's how we expected Kei to score goals here. Whether from a corner, a free kick or just a plain old cross, heading it past the keeper coming off the foot of Chris Tierney.

-Wheels kind of fell off the wagon after that. Making his first start, Montreal's Salazar recorded his own brace on each side of halftime. 

JoGo, what are you doing?
Both goals are directly attributed to him. The first one he tries to clear it and just puts it right in front of Brad so Salazar can finish. Second one, Salazar is his man. Three guys on offense, three on defense. Cover your goddamn man, Jose! And if you're not going to do that, don;t whiff on the ball when it comes near you.

-Wheels weren't done falling off yet though:

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Clear penalty. I'm going to have an aneurism if I keep going.

And that was that. Two good chances literally at the end, but no dice. Tale of two halves. First frame we saw the Revs dominate the midfield. Scotty was running show. Kei scored two (2) goals. Second half we couldn't do a damn thing. Lee was smothered. Teal turned back into a pumpkin that gives away soccer balls like candy on Halloween. Brad turned into Bobby. Giving up three unanswered after being up 2-0 to lose the game. Sickening. I've said it before but I will say it again for emphasis: this two-game homestead coming up is crucial. Anything less than two wins and I'll be ready to kiss the playoffs goodbye.

Man of the Match 
For obvious reasons. Hopefully the first two of many the rest of the season. Let the floodgates open Kei. 

July 6 at 730, home to NYCFC. Possible no post since I have work the next morning. We'll cross that bridge when we get there, and hopefully this team doesnt cause me to ump off said bridge.

PS-Al Horford signed for the Celtics while I was writing, so not all bad I guess? Your turn KD...

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