Friday, June 16, 2017

Boy's Club, Men's League: Week 4

A week removed from a nail-biting, high-scoring victory to move to 1-2 on the season, Maroon was back at it looking to make it two straight and improve to .500 on the season. It was a full squad for the first time ever in its current incarnation, as Chris was back and in the starting lineup, while "Lonzo" Brian (he has maybe a weirder jump shot than even the real Lonzo Ball) also made his return and started on the bench. 

I'm going to test out a new system for these wrap ups, bear with me on this.

Actually Good

We felt we had good momentum coming into this game after a really nice win last week. Sometimes the mental game is just as important as the physical one, and we had the edge not he mental aspect from the second we got to the gym.

Actually Bad

Chris had just come from work, so he didn't have his won athletic shorts, nor any of his favorite shoes. He had these LeBron's he said were free and just in his car. You could instantly tell how uncomfortable he really was in these kicks. He was having trouble getting up for dunks and was missing a few, in game and during warmups, he would normally flush like a brand new toilet after Thanksgiving. 

Actually Good

New Guy Jake performed really well last week, and as the newest full-time member of the squad, he outperformed that this time around. I don't know the exact numbers, but I'm willing to bet he went 10-11 from 3, including pulling up from damn near half court and SINKING one in the first half. A few breakaway dunks to, just for good measure. I think he had over half our points, probably like 52? He was, in fact, actually good and not bad. 

Actually Bad

Our defensive communication is not there at all. We need to really work on that moving forward. Too many times this season lack of talk on the floor has led to easy buckets for the opponent. That and the lack of rebounding.

Actually Good

We were playing a team with one ringer who was their best player, and not even he played that well.

Actually Bad

To go off the last Actually Bad, our offense is basically try to run and gun on the fast break, and when we can't the ball goes to one of Chris, Jake or Jordan (or Emmett when he's on the floor) and they play 1 v. 5, basically. Some semblance of ball movement would be good to get them easier shots. There was actually a really good sequence where Jake had the ball and no dribble near the corner, I cut towards him and get the ball, he moves into a corner 3 spot and I shovel pass it to him and then set a screen on his man so he can pull up right away and drill it. Stuff like that, simple passing and building chemistry on the floor, will put us over the edge. 

Actually Good

Jordan continues to be the best and most consistent player on the team. He's a guaranteed 20 to 25 points minimum every time. While Jake can certainly go off, he might not be dropping 50 points weekly. With Jordan, you have an EXTREMELY high floor to compliment the high ceilings of Chris and Jake. 

A 92-69 (nice) win to go to 2-2. We have 2 players (Jake and Jordan) I would call World Class, one in Chris I would put just below them, and then another in Emmett I would say is on Chris' level or just below him. In the end, they're all A to A+ players, which is scary. You get those four on the floor together with a rebounder or defender and there are just too many options for the opponent to take away. Focus on Jordan? Jake will rain threes on you. Focus on Jake? Chris will use his strength to drive through the lane, body you, give you a noogie, and dunk on your corpse. Focus on Chris? Emmett will put you in a spin cycle and either find a cutter or finish at the rim. And focus on Emmett? Jordan will look like a left-handed Kyrie and hit a jumper in your face or kiss the glass with maybe the softest touch around the rim I have ever seen live. And we don't even have Evantz back yet, who I know from personal experience can get white hot beyond the arc. 

Next game will also be the first day of camp orientation. Hopefully we won't be too tired form camp days moving ahead, but we'll criss that bridge when we get there. 


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