Wednesday, January 27, 2016

LaDainian Tomlinson Goes Off On Pats Fans

(h/t DailySnark)

You know why we're saying those things LT? Because we expect noting but perfection. A season with no Super Bowl trip is considered a failure around these parts. We don't stand for mediocrity like the teams you played on. We don't consider the playoffs the ultimate goal like some other loser fanbases. We could win 40-0 and if Brady makes one bad throw people will jump down his throat. It's all we've known since 2001. Super Bowl or bust, and if it doesn't happen we will freak out. Sorry we have higher expectations for our team guy.

PS-LT saying he wished he had Bill as a coach.  That's funny. LaDainian could have tested the waters with the Pats when he was a free agent in 2010. He signed with the Jets for the last two years of his career, and yeah props to them for beating the Pats in 2010-11. The next year? Y'all missed the playoffs LT. Would you have traded that win a year earlier for a chance at the Super Bowl the next, and possibly win a ring? Who knows if LT could have made a difference at that point, but we can wonder.

PPS-Speaking of that Jets game. LT openly criticized the Patriots for mocking Shawn Merriman's sack dance after they beat the Chargers in the '06 Divisional round. He called them classless and said it may come form the coach. He later apologized, but just to Bill, saying he should have kept it to the players. Funny how he calls them classless. Do you remember what happened after that game LT?
I don't know man, seems pretty classless to me. Maybe it came from YOUR head coach? Don't think you were Patriots material anyway. Go sulk on a bench some more dude.

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