Sunday, January 24, 2016

Quick Check on My Mental State

This sucks. Every time I think I may be getting over this loss, and don't want to fall into eternal slumber 100%, and that maybe theres a glimmer of hope, it all vanishes. You know where I'm at? I drove 6 goddamn hours from my house, away from my dog, with a splitting headache and sleep-deprived back to school in the middle of mother f'ing New York, missing the 1st half of the game. I had to unpack everything while the second half was going on and slowly watch that team crumble like the venom from a poison dart seep into my bloodstream. 

I've tried moving on. I watched most of the Panthers-Cardinals. I couldn't even get excited or any type of happy for a Cam Newton Dab, and I love Cam Newton Dabs. I watched a few episodes of Always Sunny, didn't crack the slightest smile. I've been listening to Landslide for 4 hours for God's sake, and I probably won't stop. First day of classes for the new semester today (it's 12:44 AM) and I probably won't leave my room. I don't want to see or talk to anyone for the next 4 months. 

You know what got me through the winter last year? The bitter cold? The snow? Basking in the warm glow of a Super Bowl. Now? There's nothing. Eternal cold and darkness. Waking up every morning to the same monotonous thing, and no feeling of purpose. White Walkers will probably breach the Wall and turn me into an ice zombie. Sure, I'll probably jut say its Seasonal Affective Disorder, but we all know thats a lie. Part of me died when the 0:00 showed up on the clock in Denver. It'll be a long time before I'm OK again. 

PS-Red Sox can't get here soon enough. Yeah, I'll hold hope for the Celtics and Bruins, but they won't do jack in the playoffs. Sox and Revs all summer to heal my soul. At least locking myself in my room will get me skinny for Tailgate Season #TailgateSZN

PPS-Sox and Revs will probably suck. Winter will never end.

UPDATE-Yeah, haven't turned off Landslide save for an hour or two when I listened to WEEI and a podcast. Also, built myself up enough to go to class today. First thing my professor brings up? The Super Bowl. And talked at length at how "analyzing it" may be an assignment. And then she showed us the saddest commercial of all time:
Yeah, I'm doing terribly. 

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