Friday, January 22, 2016

Let's Talk About Brek Shea's Pants

Brek... Come on dude. I know you're wild and eccentric and artsy, but those pants are heinous. I guess his wife brought them back for him from Bali, and I sincerely hope that's true. Because if he bought those on his own A) I need to know where so I can avoid the area and place a 10 mile radius around it, and B) it would mean he's officially gone off the rails. I mean this is the weirdest thing he's done yet.
Ok, never mind. Second weirdest. Though I guess the baby announcement is more weird on his wife's part? Anyway, back to Brek. Listen, I know MLS isn't exactly the gold standard in soccer. It's not quite there yet, but it's getting better. But we CANNOT have guys running around during media week looking like this. Every time the league takes a step forward, its 2 steps back in giant, puffy, green pants. We can't have dudes running around looking like they didn't finish changing out of their Juggalo costumes from the ICP show the night before. 

No time for Aladdin in this league if they want to be taken seriously. 

PS-He plays on a team with Kaka, who's a legend and one of the most God-fearing men I've ever come across. There's not a doubt in my mind he took one look at Brek and his unique personality and thought he was being controlled by Satan. Probably been trying to secretly give him an exorcism for the past year. Filling his bottles with Holy Water and mumbling Bible verses in Portuguese behind him when they walk out of the tunnel. 

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