Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Scottish Soccer Club Asking For Public Help To Find Mascot's Missing Head

Source-It's not the kind of classified advert you stumble across every day, but Scottish lower league side Queen's Park have launched an appeal in a desperate attempt to reunite a hippopotamus with its freshly detached head.
Specifically, Queen's Park are hoping to track down the head of their long-serving mascot, Harry the Hoopo, after it was recently taken from the club pavilion.
Nicknamed The Spiders, the League Two side posted the plea on Twitter while confirming that, while the hunt is ongoing, as of yet no ransom note has been received.
I see 1950's/60's American high school pranks have finally made their way across the pond. Who steals mascots/mascot heads anymore? Regardless, an unfortunate situation for Queen's Park. They're one of the most historic club in all of soccer. Founded in 1867, 3rd in Scottish Cup wins with 10 (their last was in 1893), the only club to have appeared in the FA Cup Final, which they've done twice. They're also the only fully amateur club in the Scottish Professional Football League.I mean the club motto in Latin is literally "to play for the sake of playing". Hate to see this happen to a club with that history and those morals. 
So what does Harry to Hoopo (weird way to spell Hippo by the way, I don't care if they are sometimes called the Hoops. Name him Hoopo the Hippo) even look like? We need to be able to identify him.
Oh my. Alright I see why someone would maybe want to hide that hippo's head. He's ugly. No if's, and's or but's. That's an ugly, ugly mascot. Look at him. He looks like he just got off a three-day crack bender. Dude's eyes are about to roll back into his skull like he's the Undertaker for God's sake. The prison-looking uniform doesn't make it any better, either. 

Kinda shocking no ransom notes either. The type of guy who steals the head from a mascot of an amateur, second division Scottish soccer team is the exact type of guy who then leaves ransom notes, or at the very least some type of calling card. I need whoever did this to keep doing it now though. New age Jack the Ripper, but substitute mascot heads in Scotland for the bodily mutilation of females in London.

PS-Still my all-time favorite mascot in any sport. Meet Kingsley of Patrick Thistle FC, also in Glasgow, Scotland. 

Yeah they're smiling on the outside, but behind those eyes is fear.

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