Saturday, March 12, 2016

Revs Take Another Point In 0-0 Draw, Home Opener With DC United

Not much happened in the home opener. A few good chances from the Revs, really nothing at all for DC. As a result of a somewhat boring, and scoreless, game, no play-by-play rundown or highlights. Let's get right to takeaways.

-Aside from the 1 point earned from the draw, the biggest story from this one is the status of Charlie Davies. He went down in the 34th minute and didn't look to be in any pain. Just sitting of the turf but his body language and calm expression just made it known he was done. And he pretty much told his teammates that when they checked on him. He limped off with a trainer and was replaced by Juan Agudelo. The TV feed caught him saying "hamstring" to Jay Heaps and right before it cut away from him he went to grab his hammy.

-He said after the game if he's not ready for Philly next week he will be fine for NYCFC after that. Even if he is cleared I would still start Swags to give Chuck a little more rest.

-Interestingly enough, Swags went to the wing and Teal Bunbury went up top as the lone striker after Chuck went out. I wouldn't be surprised to see that next week if Chuck can't go or gets some rest to start.

-Refs continue to be bad. But that's MLS I guess. Or just the Revs luck, I don't really know at this point.

-Home debuts for Koffie and Watson today, and both looked good. I've especially been impressed with Watson. I expected Koffie to do what he has been doing, but I didn't know a whole lot about Watson. He's been good two games in over at right back. I'll be interested to see if Woodbury, Barnes or McCrary get any play time in the next few games.

-Kelyn Rowe was back in action as a second half sub for Teal. Good to see his injury from last week wasn't too serious.

-Diego looked good today, creating some good chances with pinpoint passes.

-Chris Tierney and Watson both overlapped a lot today which is good to see. Can't wait for Jay Heaps to become USMNT manager so Tierney can finally get a call up.

-The Koffie-Caldwell midfield pairing is one I think we'll see for a majority of games. That has potential written all over it.

-Earliest home opener in Revolution history today. One of the founding clubs in MLS, and it only took 20 years to get a home opener this early.

-Fantastic home opening tifo from the Fort. Expecting big things from the Riders and Rebellion this year, and today was a great start. 10, thats a 10!
Man Of The Match
Lot of guys who looked good, but when it finishes 0-0 it's tough to pick one player out. That being said I liked what Diego did today. He was creative and confident. If you forced me to pick someone else I'd go Koffie or Lee Nguyen. But you can't make me do anything, so Go Diego Go!

Two away games in a row starting with Philly next Sunday. Let's get a win and stay undefeated.

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