Sunday, March 13, 2016

What's The Point Anymore?

Last chance at silverware *POOF* out the window. 2-1 loss to Watford at home to knock us out of the FA Cup. WATFORD!!!! No three-peat to give Wenger another excuse to stay. It's just become mind-numbing at this point. We know not to get our hopes up, but we do anyway. The difference is, at this stage of the season and given the season's course, I just stop being mad at a certain point. It's not worth the time or energy. 

There's no passion or fight from the players. As has become the usual, Mesut Ozil is the only one showing anything. 

He's becoming more and more visibly frustrated as the weeks go by. I think he's realizing he's wasting his prime years at a minnow club that likes to think it's a shark. The man gets no help. The fact he has 18 assists in the Premier League this season is a testament to how good he is. With a world class striker at his disposal he would have broken Thierry Henry's season record of 20 ages ago. And despite this, he still gives us his all and produces multiple moments of brilliance in any given match.

I've said it before, but I won't be surprised or even angry if he demands a transfer this summer.

The AKB's (Arsene Knows Best) are slowly dwindling. I normally try and avoid agreeing with Piers Morgan as much as possible, but when you're right, you're right. Wenger needs to step down soon. Have the players let him down? Yes. Who brought those players in? Arsene. Who's job is it to set them up tactically to win? Arsene. Whos job is it to motivate them? Arsene. He's failed them just as much.

Kroenke needs to go as well. The ownership group won't fire Wenger. They don't care or income cases are too afraid. James McNicholas (GunnerBlog) said it best in his match day video today. Is stability worth it when the stability leads to mediocrity? Something needs to happen to get some life back in this squad, otherwise ship half of them off when July rolls around.

I don't even know how to end this, I just keep making myself more frustrated thinking about this team and the constant bottling that takes place.

No FA Cup. Game at the Nou Camp to get dismantled and knocked out of the Champions League. Everton away. Players on minimal rest. T's and P's please.


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