Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Americans "Pastor Tim" Recap

Though seemingly not as action packed as episode 1, that's to be expected. There were a lot of moments to help move the story along and will help set up big moments down the road.

We start with Philip telling Elizabeth about the EST classes he went to while she and Paige were in Germany visiting her mom. They were a forced marriage in order to act as espionage partners, but somewhere along the line they grew to actually think of each other as husband and wife as well. And that was evident by the MASSIVE wife face Elizabeth gave Philip after he told her that information.

And in the end it seems like they may be going to the classes together in the future. Elizabeth has some shit in her past she could work through, but it would take more than a few sessions, especially with how stubborn she is.

We got Elizabeth listening to the call Paige made to Pastor Tim where she spilled the beans way earlier than I thought we would. It came right after the opening credits.

That threw me off a little. I thought it would come later on and we'd get immediate action on it. Well instead we get it early and get reaction. Either way I thought something would happen with it, and nothing did. We got Elizabeth and Philip debating to kill him or not. Naturally Elizabeth wants to shed some blood, Philip wanna to try and work the nutbag religious guy, which always works. More possible signs Philip might just be done with all of this.

We got a little more on Nina in the Soviet Union, and boy do we find out what a weird situation she's been living in. She gets a visit from her husband, who we find out has two kids with another woman since Nina was in America. But the way they talk is so weird. They switch in between actually being a husband and wife, and being people who may want to start dating. I dont know if thats a Soviet thing or what. Also this...

Regular Don Juan, Casanova type of line to throw out.

Philip is supposed to hand off the nasty virus vial in the Altoids tin to the courier who's a pilot in order to get it back to the Soviet Union. Because horrific, government-controlled diseases are best kept like a freshman in high school keeps the weed he bought from a senior that ended up just being oregano he paid way too much for.

They both get on a bus headed to the airport to make the exchange, but the pilot is super nervous. He tells Philip his co-pilot seemed suspicious. Oh really dude? Maybe because you've got the darting eyes of a gazelle who senses a lion hunting him. He starts panicking on the bus and to make matters worse the airport security guy gets on the bus and sits near them. When he goes to talk to the pilot, Philip does the only logical thing.

Luckily that girl had her headphones on way too loud. You'll never listen to "Tainted Love" the same way ever again.

Philip just sort of stuffs him in a corner, but the pilot flakes and leaves the tin on the bus seat. Philip meets with William, the scientist who is becoming one of the best characters on this show in just his second episode. The exchange about Level 3 and 4 was great.

But he basically doesn't want to get any deeper than he already is, which makes me think he'll end up at gun point soon.

Elizabeth meets with Gabriel to tell him to get the virus out of her house, and he counters with a bombshell.

Just so casual. "Don't worry, we'll take care of the virus yourmomsdeadshesaidshelovedyouwhenshecroaked and make sure your family is out of harms way with the vial."

Check back in on Nina and what do you know, she got caught smuggling a note out of the facility and will face a prosecutor. At this point it seems like she wanted to get caught. Honestly its looking like she wants to die. There's practically no chance she's getting back Stateside to see Oleg or Stan ever again. That was all she had once she became a mole, really. She's cooked.

First Henry sighting of the season and Jesus did the actor age.

He's having some mac and cheese with his bro for life Stan, because when you get divorced and suspect your friend across the street of sleeping with your separated wife, you still hang out with his teenage son. Just two guys being dudes, talking about how hot the science teacher is and how awesome her boobs looked in the dress with the front zip.

Hypothetically speaking, the modern version of this would I guess be an entertainer, maybe a founder of a website, hiring someone who could be his son to essentially be his best friend and make him feel young again. Maybe young enough to go hangout with more people far younger than he at SXSW.

Anyway, Gabriel gave the Jennings a gift earlier in the episode. A computer that will seemingly brainwash Henry and Paige into being sleeper agents. Problem is Henry is such good friends with Stan, you know who works for the FBI, he invited him over later to check the computer out. Yeah he won't find anything suspicious on that thing at all. That will end up being the downfall of Philip and Elizabeth. Everything points to Paige, but it'll be Henry and his middle-aged bestie playing on the computer that does them in.

Paige confesses to Elizabeth about the phone call with Pastor Tim, and this may save him. I could see the two of them being more hesitant to kill him now that Paige has owned up to it.

There's a difference between "Mom Mad and "Spy Mom Mad". My mom gets mad at me when I get a speeding ticket or forget to take the dog out for a walk. Elizabeth goes off on Paige for giving up their identities to that loon Pastor Tim. And like any child, Paige reflects the blame.

Interestingly enough, there was no Pastor Tim in the episode titled "Pastor Tim", save for an Elizabeth nightmare where Paige finds him murdered and then looks to be on her way to being murdered as well.

Next episode is going to be HEAVY.

Looks like Gabriel could be dead, which means its time for Margo Martindale to come back. And we get Pastor Tim confrontation. It's implied fan theory regarding him could be true. There are two options: he's KGB or he's gonna get whacked. At first it seems like he's KGB. Then Gabriel says he and his wife will have an accident. I think ultimately it was edited together that way to throw people off, but the Gabriel hit comes first and when they get to Tim he reveals all.

As always, hit me up with theories, questions, comments, let me know if you think I missed anything here, the whole 9 on Twitter @TheSituAsian508. Имейте хороший товарищей.

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