Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Americans "Dinner For Seven" Recap

Let's get this out of the way before we start. No William for a second straight week. You are KILLING ME Americans/FX writers. Instantly decreases the amount of Vine-able material for these recaps, which I really don't like since it makes me feel like I'm not doing a lot.

Before we start the recap though, quick update. The Americans has been renewed for a sixth and final season scheduled for 2018.

CNN-"The Americans" had been renewed for two more seasons, which will mark the end of the critically acclaimed FX drama's run. 

The extension includes a full 13 episodes for next year, and a truncated order of 10 for a sixth and final season in 2018. 

While the show has never been a major ratings draw, it has generated positive reviews, and accolades from groups like the American Film Institute. Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell star as a pair of Soviet spies, operating on U.S. soil in the 1980s. On a seven-day basis, "The Americans" currently averages a modest 2.2 million viewers. That's down 9% from its ratings for the third season. 

FX chief John Landgraf has stated that critical praise figures in the network's calculations on sticking with a series. The series has always seemed to come with a built-in expiration date, given the eventual fall of the Berlin Wall and end of the Cold War. The current season will end in June. 

In a statement, producers Joe Weisberg and Joel Fields said they were "grateful" to be allowed to see the story through to its conclusion. 

So now we know the rough end date. Two more seasons to hash things out and start to wrap up all the storylines. Makes me think next season will be very similar to this one. A slow burn with some quick action mixed in to keep us reminded the Jennings are absolute badasses. All to set up an absolutely action packed last season. It'll be a lot of excitement for those final 10 episodes. Anyway, let's get into the recap...

-Pastor Tim shows up unannounced basically to say sorry for Alice threatening them. He thought about being a parent and the Jennings family while lost in Ethiopia because eh has never heard of a map or compass. Last part I made up but is totally true. It was what I think is a roundabout way to say "I'm not telling on you guys because of what being a parent means". He seems really skittish and uneasy, but accepts a dinner invite before leaving.

-The center denied the request for an alternate route, meaning the mission with Young Hee and Don must go through. We see Elizabeth sitting in her car waiting for the moment to go through with it and looking like she's gonna puke. I did the same thing before my first job interview.

-Patti drops the bomb: "I'm pregnant." And Don goes stone cold. Tells her it can't happen, she has to get rid of it. And I thought he had her. But then she starts guilt tripping him a little about "not ruining his perfect little life". And Don might crack from that. For the meantime, Don 3:16 just shut you down.

-Stan tells philip about Gaad and basically that Russians do terrible things. LOL THE AUDIENCE KNOWS! IF ONLY STAN ALSO KNEW!

-Oh shit, Philip put the fact Gaad was going to Thailand in his report. He indirectly got Gaad murked.

-Elizabeth drops by Tim's office before picking paige up from choir practice. She starts opening up to Tim like a confessional. I swear to god if Tim ends up running the entire show for his church like a puppeteer... Just having all the players ending up in his lap and confessing sins. What a troll job that would be from Weisberg and Fields.

-Oleg is highly coveted by the FBI, but unfortunately is gonna cost a fortune since the Eagles gave up five picks before the draft (still can't believe they did that). Valuation has been set, you want a franchise changing guy you need to pay a lot up front. FBI is no exception, fork it over.

-Stan does another longwinded thing about how shitty his life is. Oleg's response:

-Stan tells Oleg this is the last time they will meet. He doesn't want Oleg on his conscience after all the things he's had happen. Understandable given the fact the FBI wants to use all sorts of blackmail on Oleg to get him to cross the KGB. I would want no part in that or the repercussions if I was Stan. I don't think his mind could take another awful thing happening. He'd snap like a rubber band around a basketball.

-Time for that weird dinner with two people who know your Russian secret. Henry just invites Stan in, and he makes an awful attempt at pregnant joke

-Major awkward dinner conversation given Stan's fucked up life. Tim and Alice likely never dealt with someone whose been through it as many times as Stan. Henry just tosses out Stan being FBI, really weird given the fact Tim and Alice know about the Russians they are at dinner with as well. What a dynamic at that table. Henry, poor kid just out of the loop.

-God that dinner seems like the most awkward thing ever. Can't say it enough. Stan is definitely not a Jesus freak, and works for the government which Tim actively protests against.

-Philip, Gabriel and an old lady (the one Not Nina asked Oleg for, old computer expert who speaks perfect english) go to the lab to see Don, posing as Patti's family. They pull out the "Patti's dead. Suicide." line. Ultimate guilt trip. They demand money for Patti's funeral costs, Philip takes him to the back, Gabriel and Old Lady guilt trip Don into letting them say behind, and they go snooping. I refuse to take back the earlier images. #TeamDon #Don3:16

-Elizabeth is back to talk to Tim. Talking about Stan and not choosing their neighbors or each other. She thanks him for doing a lot for Paige. Sort of just seemed like filler with a lot of metaphor and fancy talk.

-I feel like Don may kill himself now. Also, did Philip just take all that man's money???

-Neil deGrasse Tyson calls Stan over too his desk after finding a curious detail on a report regarding the Martha situation. This stems from Gaad freaking out on the mail robot and breaking it, and if you remember correctly, Philip and Elizabeth broke into the repair facility to plant a bug in it, but Elizabeth ended up killing the owner's mother in that hard to watch scene. In the report it says Martha covered for Gaad. So tying together Martha, the mail robot and a curious death at the repair shop where the robot was, they could be onto something. Unbelievable the Mail Robot could end up a major piece in the development of the plot. Mail Robot, so hot right now, Mail Robot.

-Gabriel and the other lady didn't find any level 4 codes in the office but copied Don's hard drive hoping they're somewhere in there. Philip doesnthink he'll (Don) tell Young Hee, but Elizabeth is still obviously torn up about it. I feel like a broken record saying that multiple times every week, but you can see it on her face how much the whole situation pains her.

-Young Hee leaves Patti a message sounding disturbed and upset about Don's behavior lately. Problem is Patti is dead in kayfabe.

-Elizabeth goes to pick Paige up form some food bank thing and is now looking to Pastor Tim since the Young Hee situation is eating at her. He says she should pray. Her response:

Savage. And then he gives her the old "you don't have to believe for it to make you feel better" talk.

-Paige is starting to understand spy-thought. Elizabeth explains there's guilt looming over the heads of Pastor Tim and Alice which could work to the Jennings' advantage. Paige tells Elizabeth about Matthew telling her about Martha. Yeah, your mom knew nothing about that Paige. That woman def didn't bang your dad on the reg either. They get approached by two bums in the parking lot asking for a cigarette but really trying to rob them and probably have sex with them without consent. One makes a move on Paige, Elizabeth clocks him and turns the second guys knife on him, killing him. Paige starts crying and the book it out of there.

Big time ending. This is huge since Paige was under the impression her parents didn't do that sort of physical stuff. Know she's gonna question everything all over again. The obvious cover up for Elizabeth here is to say they were obviously trained to do that sort of stuff in case they needed t defend themselves (like the situation that just happened) but rarely, if ever, get to or have to use the skills they learned. Obviously it won't play out like that. That would be far too easy.

Next weeks preview:

Only two episodes left everyone. Feels like we say it every year now, but I mean it this time. It's going down the next two weeks.

Hit me up with theories, questions, comments, let me know if you think I missed anything here, the whole 9 on Twitter @TheSituAsian508. Имейте хороший товарищей, Он горит.

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