Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Americans "Munchkins" Recap

Another episode with not a lot of action, but the character and plot developments are something that can't be understated. We may not get the Jennings killing a bunch of people in weird ways, but the stories all progress in order for us to get to that point. As much as it may suck sometime, we have it be patient, because those scenes will come. We just need episodes like this one to get us there. Worst part about the episode? No William. Stop doing this to us writers. Give the people what they want. I got a ever, and the only cure is more William.  

-Started off with Patti sharing an awkward dinner with Don and Young Hee. Well, awkward on Don's end. YH obviously has no clue whats happening yet, and Elizabeth/Patti does. Don really has no clue how to act; he doesn't know he's being blackmailed yet, he just thinks he got too drunk and slept with his wife's friend. And Elizabeth looks even more hesitant to go through with this. She mad fun of and chastised Philip for getting too involved with his agent (Martha), but know she has to put on his shoes and go for a long walk. She doesn't want to end a friendship and a marriage, and its showing.

-Philip tells Paige that his mom more or less kicked ass in Siberia. He told a story about how he had a job after school as a kid and once his boss tried to short him on his pay. His mom went to the boss and when she came back, Philip was getting his pay in full. Something tells me Mrs. Philip's Mom wasn't doing the Happy Gilmore Mom.

-The new FBI guy is a margin Nazi...

-The big plot of the episode is that Pastor Tim went missing in Ethiopia. He and another guy went off on their own to visit a different village and never came back. Alice shows up at the Jennings house and gets super bitchy telling them she made a tape about who they are, and that if anything happens to her or Tim, or the Jennings were in any way connected to it, the tape goes to the state department. She refuses to lower her voice so Henry won't hear and basically does the fingers-in-ears "lalalalala" when they try and talk to her. Hey Alice, you think Tim maybe just got tired of putting up with that? 

-Oleg and Not Nina just showing off and doing sex right in our faces for a second straight episode. Guys, I let it slide once already, I see right through the humble brag.

-Not Nina is in a "department you don't talk about". Oleg mentions "12", and some research (looks like I'm a real-life journalist) shows they may be talking about the 12th Chief Directorate, which dealt with the nuclear arsenal of the Soviet Union and was extremely secretive. She needs a favor from Oleg, which is to bring over a person from his department in Moscow who is a woman between 50 and 60, speaks perfect english and is a computer expert. Obviously those types of people are just laying around and collecting dust over there.

-Paige gets to questioning the convenience of the timing of Pastor Tim going missing. He goes to a Soviet-Friendly country and goes missing. Suspicious. She of course doesn't know the conversations her parents had about making sure nothing bad happening to Tim and Alice so that Paige won't hate them. Philip does actually question if there was any way the Center went behind their backs on this matter considering there are a good number of comrades in Ethiopia, to which Elizabeth tells him he's worse than Paige with his theories. 

-Tim's Jeep was found with no one in it. Looking real bad since Alice threatened them with that tape. Alice has to deal with the massive baby bump, her back because of it, all the other problems carrying a child brings and Tim's disappearance, so why not add Paige just latching her arms around her in a hug? Good lord, I'm not a fan of Alice but let's not put any more physical stress on her than she already has. 

-Stan and Neil deGrasse Tyson have a drink with Martha's dad, who tries to tell them Martha is too smart for manipulation. Oh, that's awkward. Nonetheless, he asks them to not give up on finding her. Guys, you aren't getting her back, at least not for a very long time.

-Elizabeth goes full mom talking about Henry playing hockey with a tennis ball on the garage door...

Just like my mom, expect my mom yelled from somewhere in the house to cut it out.

-Philip and Elizabeth tells Paige they'll all probably have to leave for Russia (implied) if Alice sends the tape. And she comes back with maybe the most unwarranted "Are you serious?" tirade ever. What do you mean "Are you serious?" Paige? Are YOU serious? Yo, you told people your parents were Russian spies, what the hell do think will have to happen if those people tell on them? You guys just get sprayed with some water like a dog who peed on the floor? Use your brain for once.

-Gaad gets approach by Russians in his hotel while on his Asian vacation. They say they have a proposal for hime and after the continued refusals, he tries to run, but ends up getting tackled through the glass door and taking a shard to the side. He bleeds out and dies.

Which means I have to.

I am truly sorry Agent Gaad. You will be  missed. But Internet Law rules over these parts, and it states I must do that to you. Nothing personal. 

-Later on both Arkady and Stan/Neil Tyson find out and both actually seem very distraught. Arkady no doubt wanted to try and turn him but didn't mean to kill him. This will just escalate things even more.

-Kimmy is back! I didn't even realize her plot line was still going on. There was no mention of her or the situation regarding planting bugs in her dads briefcase for a long time. But it didn't hurt to rehash it and show us Philip switching out the bugs. Then he went back to the porch to amore more weed with a teenager, who is finally dating someone her own age. She spills that her dad doesn't work for the State Department, but rather the CIA. Philip tells her she shouldn't have told him her dads secret because it could have made her closer to her dad. Thats obviously a call to whats happened with Philip, Elizabeth and Paige. Side note, how high was Kimmy here?

-The writers found a long-winded way to get Matthew into the church. Paige goes looking for Henry, Matthew invites her on, they talk a little, Matthew tells her about the Martha situation after page asks him about Stan being an FBI agent, Paige tells him about Pastor Tim, she realizes she needs to get going to get to the church, realizes she doesn't have a ride unless she goes to ask her parents, Matthew offers and then boom. Matthew goes in with her and she introduces him to a fellow guitar player who will undoubtedly invite him to play with the church choir or whatever they have. As you'll see own next week's preview, Tim and Alice have dinner with Matthew and Stan. That'll throw the world's biggest wrench into everything. 

-While we're at the church, we find out Tim has been found. Get this, he just got lost. Jeep ran out of gas, they got out and tried to walk on foot and just got lost. Dude, you ever mission trip before? You didn't bring a compass or a map to help guide you? You serious bro? The whole point of that plot line was to show another threat to Philip and Elizabeth. Paige ends up not asking for the tape right after since she decided it would be better to not raise any unnecessary suspicions right after Tim is found. She's starting to think like a spy.

-Young Hee leaves a message for Patti in a bad state. She's really worried and broken up about Din's behavior and now believes there really is something wrong. The whole time the message is playing you can see just how disturbed and unwilling to commit Elizabeth is. She stays conflicted while meeting with Gabriel to end the episode. He asks her of she would like him to ask the Center if there is another way to get Level 4 access other than the Don plan. And Elizabeth finally drops the tough guy/stubborn act by admitting that yes, she does want to find another way. She's showing she's more human than just being Elizabeth Jennings, mom and travel agent. She has emotions now, just like Philip did. 

Next weeks episode looks like some real shit. Don maybe being stone cold (possible Crying Jordans for that situation?) and obviously the whole Tim/Alice/Stan thing ready to get going. Here's the video preview:

Hit me up with theories, questions, comments, let me know if you think I missed anything here, the whole 9 on Twitter @TheSituAsian508. Имейте хороший товарищей, Он горит.

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