Saturday, June 25, 2016

Revs Lose 2-0 To DC

Short and simple. I didn't watch this game since I wasn't home. One step forward, two steps back. Don't know why Heaps started Daigo. He's more of a closer rathe than a true attacker. Would have started Kelyn in the midfield next to Scotty, Diego in Kelyn's spot and Juan instead of Teal. Or maybe try a two-striker formation, you know since we have a surplus of attackers and only one true DM since Koffie is still out. The playoffs are slowly slipping away. We really need to pick up our play, and fast. We can tolerate draws as long as we get the wins to double up on them (2 win:1 draw ratio). We cannot afford many more losses, maybe one or two at the most if we winch rest of them.

And for the of god, we need to get Kei Kamara a goal. Kei Kamara cannot score in New England. That's horrible. Kei Kamara is so good, especially in the air where someone like Chris Tierney can perfectly place crosses. Zero goals for Kei. I am getting very worried about this team.

They're making it not very fun to do these wrap ups, or even watch them for that matter.

At New York Cosmos in the Open Cup on June 29th (a Wednesday) with a time TBD. Next league game is at Montreal on Saturday, July 2 at 530.

Monday, June 20, 2016

I Need To Talk About Last Night's Game Of Thrones

The Battle of the Bastards was everything I hoped it would be and more. It was an incredible display. The expectations were high when HBO submitted it for 5 Emmy's (in writing, directing, editing, visual effects, sound mixing and hairstyling/makeup). The buildup was there. And it blew the doors off the hinges. It was epic, there is no other way to put it. I mean, as despicable as Ramsay Bolton is, his battlefield genius was showing at the beginning. Using the flaming flayed men as both intimidation and as distance markers, with the the fire showing which way the wind was blowing, for his archers was amazing. The cinematography was astounding. Better than most movies, definitely rivals Saving Private Ryan. It was shot so beautifully (a little more on that later). And yet, I've seen so many complaints about it. So I must offer counterpoints for the perpetually underwhelmed haters on the Internet. 

"Why Didn't Rickon just Zig-Zag?"
Look, I was just like the rest of the Internet. "Rickon, avoid the arrows! Don't run in a straight line!" Here's the thing, when you just take a second to think about it, it makes sense. He's a young boy, 6 years old at the start of the show. He's been forced out of his ancestral home, on the run and away from his family for years. He's captured and brought to his enemy, a man who is in power as a result of the attempted extinction of the Stark name. He was locked in a cell, in the dark and cold, likely not fed well and likely tortured, whether physically or mentally or both, by the most sadistic man in the universe. He's brought out onto a battlefield and set "free", told the faster he can run to his brother and sister on the other side of the field, the faster he can see them and be "safe". Given all the circumstances (age, mental state, situation) I think its understandable that Rickon was not thinking clearly or rationally, and as a result he ran in a straight line. Besides, his fate was always to die. Sansa mentioned it in the episode. Rickon posed a threat to Ramsay's claim of Winterfell since he was believed to be the last surviving Stark male. Rickon was always going to die because of that reason. Outside of that, there's speculation that when Jon and Sansa go to bury him in the Winterfell crypts, there will be a clue as to Jon's parents, possibly in conjunction with a Bran flashback to the end of the Tower of Joy (the Young Ned actor is going to appear in the finale). Rickon was destined to die for multiple reasons, and the circumstances were fitting. 

"Jon Got Played"
To continue on Rickon, Jon's youngest brother was just killed in a pretty cruel way right in front of his eyes. No one said Jon was emotionless. If he can save Rickon, that's great. If not, what's the worst that will happen? Jon dies? He's fine with that, as evidenced by his conversation with Melisandre. He may have promised to protect Sansa but knows if he fell she would kill herself as to not be taken by Ramsay again. When he charged towards the Bolton army after Rickon was killed, Ramsay was trying to make it so he was killed in the arrow volley. By running forward, Jon showed he was practically suicidal. Did he play into Ramsay's hand? Yeah. Was it all for nothing? No. He was overcome by his brother's death and does not fear death anymore. 

It did allow for this:

The Masters Thought They Had The Upper Hand"
Very simple. Last time they were in Meereen, there was Dany. No Dany also means no Drogon, and the other dragons are supposedly chained up (they are unaware Tyrion unchained them). No Dany/dragons=easy target for their fleets. Next. 

"Sansa Didn't Say Anything About Littlefinger"
A lot of talk about this. If she had just told Jon about the Knights of the Vale coming, he could have just waited for them to arrive. Well, if Ramsay knew about a massive army joining Jon, he would have stayed in Winterfell, one of the best defended castles in the land. Sansa also didn't know if Littlefinger would be coming. They didn't have text messages back then. She had no way of knowing if he would come after she told him off. Getting the troops hopes up with the idea of reinforcements and having them no-show would have killed any morale there was in camp. There's also the factor that Jon may not want to trust Littlefinger, or be in debt to him. He's a dangerous man, that Petyr Baelish. 

"The Crush Scene Was Pointless"
We knew Jon wasn't dying. He wouldn't be revived in episode two just to die in episode nine. But it added an emotional element. Being trampled by his own men as they panic and try to escape death added a realism to it. The Wildlings and Stark allies, for as tough as they may appear, are still human and get scared. The mad rush was like an instance of a fire and everyone trie stop get out the door at the same time, just a disorderly scramble to save your own life. At first I thought it was cool. Then, the longer it went on and the less sunlight you could see from Jon's POV, the more my chest started to tighten up thinking about that situation. Again, that realism and emotion brought a whole new feeling to the battle. 

Maybe the most impressive thing about the scene was it was entirely ad-libbed by the director, Miguel Sapochnik. From
One evening I got home and I kind of knew we couldn’t finish in the time we had left so I wrote a long email to David and Dan and the other producers to suggest an alternative that I thought we could achieve in the remaining time, but that would mean going “off book” for three days. That is to say, we’d be shooting without a script. I finished the email and made a cup of tea (no whisky in the house) then waited for the response, which I fully expected to be a public chastisement and general reaming for even suggesting that (Dan and David like their scripts executed the way they wrote them, and with good reason).
It was late already and if were going to do this we needed to employ this idea first thing the next day. But I couldn’t move forward without their consent and they were in L.A. at the time. I hadn’t even worked exactly out how I’d do it, I just knew we need a Plan B.
Anyway, not 15 minutes later, I get a ping on the email and David and Dan have replied. They said it sucked not to be able to finish as scripted but they also understood the crunch we were in and that they trusted me and to have at it.
I think that this section of the fight — in which Jon is almost buried alive by a stampede of panicking wildings — turned out as one of my favorite little moments in the sequence. No VFX, no fighting, just Kit giving a stellar performance and a crazy top shot as he pushes his way back out (we affectionately called it the “rebirthing” shot). The other reason I liked it is because of what it meant to be allowed to follow my gut and go for it. That kind of trust you can’t buy and it felt like a privilege to have been given that kind of support to go into unchartered territory by the producers in such a high stakes game.
Amazing work all around. The re-birthing scene in question, in comparison with Dany's from when she freed Meereen.

"There's A Lack Of Unpredictability Now"
That's bound to happen as any show nears it's end. With only 13 episodes in the seventh and eighth seasons combined, it's down to the wire. GRRM's outline of the original plot points also tells us there are five characters who are basically untouchable (SPOILERS BELOW)

Jon, Arya, Bran, Dany and Tyrion. Not sure if Sansa would be added later. Jon, Dany and Bran all definitely have important plotlines. Arya's story isn't done yet either, as she still has to finish her list with her new skills and meet Melisandre again. Tyron has to aid Dany in ruling a foreign place that he know very well. He didn't quite understand Meereen and the people. He understands the people of Westeros very well. I still think we can get some shocking moments and deaths (maybe Brienne, or Bronn, or Jaime). But the doing is known and the show is working towards it. 

I would be remiss if I didn't post some great GIFs and images this episode produced, aside for the ones I already have in here.

Massive Dragon

Behind the scenes look at the making of the Battle of the Bastards

The Wolves Have Come Again 

PS-Pour one out for Wun WUn, the last of the Giants. Dude went out with a body full of arrows and lances. They don't win that fight without him. RIP in Peace big guy.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Revs Take The Win In Vancouver To Restart League Play

Full disclosure, I only caught like the last 10 minutes of this game, so everything will be based off highlights and what I saw in that time. As a result this may be short.

Are the Revs back? Because I think they are. Three game win streak including the Open Cup, and four of the last five. Playing good soccer, and finally a healthy squad with a plethora of attacking options. Huge three points in the first league game out of the break.

Brad Knighton, fresh off a clean sheet against one former team, gets another start against another former team in Vancouver. Have to wonder if this is Heaps saying he's had enough of Bobby's subpar play and wants to switch things up for the foreseeable future, or if he's just riding a hot hand. But from what I saw, Knighton played very well. Commanded the box, was aggressive and held off a good flurry at the death to preserve the win.

Woodberry gets another start at center back next to JoGo with Farrell on the right side. And London played a lot better than I would have thought. After seeing him get burned on the right side so many times its just sort of instinct to cringe when you see his name in the lineup. But on top of solid defensive play, he scored his first career MLS goal as well.

Excellent service from Lee Nguyen and Woodberry rises over the defense to head it home. Beautifully worked set piece.

Mezquida equalized for the Whitecaps from a wonderful free kick just outside the box.

Not much Knighton could do about that. Perfect curve on that one.

The Revs went ahead again thanks to Kelyn Rowe.

One time shot from Kelyn off a Teal Bunbury cross. Marvelous finish. The TotalMLS Twitter account made it sound like there was a lot of commotion about the goal. Based on that gif, not a lot of time passed from Teibert going to the ground to the goal if there was an injury. And even if there was an injury, I think it's become established that MLS refs aren't great with play after injuries. It's just gonna happen.

But looking here:

Maybe there were complaints about a no-foul call? Again, I don't really see it. Teibert and Daigo were just battling of the ball, and I don't see any tripping motion from Daigo. Just an unfortunate play for Vancouver that Rowe finished.

Man of the Match

London Woodberry, you have proven me wrong today. Do it again, and again, and again. Good job, keep it up. 

Getting one more win on the road trip is essential. This will be the longest stretch away from Gillette for the season, the rest of the schedule is two-home-two-away for a while. Getting one more good result out of the last two league games puts the team in good position to go on a nice stretch starting once they get back home. It's no secret they tend to go through the summer slump, but getting over 50% good results before those two away games following the quick homestand could spell the end of the summer slump, at least for this year.

Next Saturday at 7 pm down in the nations capital to take on DC United. Keep it rolling baby,

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Revs Pick Up A Win In The US Open Cup Game Thanks To A Zach Herivaux Strike

Last year's US Open Cup saw the Revolution lose to the Charlotte Independence 1-0 at home (even though the game wasn't played in Gillette Stadium) in what was kind of a microcosm of the season. Just disappointing. This year, after a lengthy weather delay down south, they righted the ship against the Carolina Railhawks. I admittedly didn't watch the game but caught the Twitter buzz and highlights. 

Typical Open Cup lineup with some new faces starting and regulars either on bench or out of the 18. Brad Knighton got the start in goal against his former team (he was on the NASL Best Xi in 2011 with Carolina). Donnie Smith, JoGo, London, and rookie Jordan McCrary (in his first action for the Revs) along the backline. Scotty and Herivaux in the midfield with Fagundez, Rowe and Agudelo ahead of them. Femi with he start up top. Samba, Neumann, Bobby, Lee, Kei, Bunbury and Tierney on the bench. 

By all accounts Herivaux was Man of the Match even before the game-winning goal. He's been the new up-and-coming prospect since Fagundez transitioned to the senior side. He's been with the team since 2011, first as a member of the youth squad before singing to the first team as a Homegrown Player in 2015. While some of the Revs youth players have been called into US Youth National Teams, Herivaux has maintained a lot of hype despite not getting those opportunities. He's got a cool backstory as well. He's of Haitian descent, born in Japan, raised in Massachusetts. He's made five appearances for the Haiti U-20's, but is still eligible for the Haiti, US and Japan senior squads. He's going to be a major key as he transitions to starter and veteran in the coming years. Being able to go form this team to one led by guys like Herivaux, Femi, hopefully McCrary, and chiseled vets like Diego, Kelyn and Juan is going to be so much fun. He also has FANTASTIC hair. 

Sidenote-Video from Lee Nguyen shows how the Revs spent the long weather delay:

Jay Heaps, best coach in the league.

Revs play the New York Cosmos in the next round of the US Open Cup on June 29. Cosmos are one of two non-MLS teams still in the competition, the other being the Fort Lauderdale Strikers who play Orlando City. Should the Revs win, they play either Philly or New York Red Bulls.

Taking a look at the upcoming schedule, including this past game it's five straight on the road coming out of the break. At Vancouver, DC, New York and Montreal before returning home for two straight against NYCFC and Columbus.

Lot's of soccer and fun times (assuming wins) ahead. It's lit. I added a more modern choice for victory music to accompany Roll With The Changes, and will decide on which to use going forward by the next victory. Or I might continue to post like 95 songs after wins. Whatever. Cue the music.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Americans "Persona Non Grata" Season Finale Recap

Season finale and we have ourselves a William episode. Unfortunately things don't work too well for him, kind of a catch-22. You could sense this would be the case back when Gabriel told him it would be his last mission before going home a hero. There was no way things would go smoothy for William. For the final time this year, let's get into it...

-Right off the bat, the FBI is staking out William's place as he prepares the new bioweapon for a drop with Philip. Oddly enough, Philip is driving behind three FBI cars. They tail William as it cuts to the intro.

-Back from the opening credits and its Paige reading in bed while Elizabeth cleans her room. Paige suggests learning how to defend herself in case of danger, to which Elizabeth says she can teach her a few things. Spy Paige is coming.

-The FBI is tailing William and follow him to his drop with Philip. They suspect him to go to the park, but he seems to break off, causing Stan and Neil deGrasse tyson to speed up and try and nab him before he gets away. William senses danger and makes a break for it, running to the park, where Philip is. They corner him and a s a last resort he stabs himself with the deadly toxin. Leading us to our first (unfortunate) William Moment of the Week:

-Fuck you Oleg. You did this to William. You gave up the science leads to Stan, the blood is on your hands.

-Philip returns home following the William no-show. They think it may just be a cold-feet type of situation since Philip says he didn't see any surveillance.

-Kind of a shocker as we go to Russia and see who I believe is Philip's son. He's in a mental institution getting an evaluation to determine his metal state since he's been talking anti-Soviet things since returning from war, and "only a criminal or mentally ill person would do such a thing". Thankfully he has powerful friends and simply stopping that talk will get him released.

-William is in the biochemical treatment area, I do not know what those are formally called so bear with me. Stan and Neil are there and try to talk to him over the intercom. It's a great scene between characters who have never interacted before, and thus I present it to you in full:

Oh that Neil deGrasse Tyson bringing the jokes! Why yes, I will have a Coke! William's maniacal laughter after that really was awesome though. Gonna miss him. And since he isn't actually dead yet, no Crying Jordan.

-Elizabeth tells Paige that Philip is at EST. Cut to the EST class and Philip is speaking on the mic, talking about how he chose a job as a travel agent before knowing it was what he wanted to do, and that know he takes up with a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach because he no longer wants to do it. The guy running the class tells him he should just quit, the world wont stop spinning if he does and that he's not that important. Oh the irony. Replace the travel agent lingo for KGB lingo and he really is that important. Philip says he can't just quit since he made promises and commitments to people who he loves and who trust him.

-Gabriel tells the two that they have William after he no-showed the two meetings. They think its possible that he could have turned, or just been captured, but regardless could give up information. Philip says that William definitely bitched and moaned so its possible. they leave Gabriels house since William has been there.

-Back to Russia where Lil Phil is somehow now out of the mental ward and goes to his family's house. A guy who ends up being his grandpa (mother to lady Philip knocked up) gives him a package from his mother who was arrested, and the kid asks about Philip. He wants to go find him. Yeah, good luck with that dude. Your working proficiency with the English language and lack of Russian accent will do wonders.

-Arkady is visited by the FBI who inform him of all the goings on: William, the bugging, Martha, Gaad. He's told he is being expelled from the United States and has 48 hours to leave the country. That was another great back and forth, the cool and calculated Arkady versus the in-your-face-style of the FBI guys.

-Cut to William and he is in ROUGH shape. They try and trick him into giving names by asking if there his anyone they should contact for him. William goes into a really powerful monologue...

Adds so much depth to his character. We got glimpses of this side of William through his interactions with Philip, but this added so much to it. All he had was his work. No relationships stuck. So it was work. Feel awful for him. Also, Fat Shaggy, you really need to ask if he's in pain? I know it's some interrogative thing, but really, you couldn't have gone about that in a different way that didn't make you seem dumb?

-Gabriel, Elizabeth and Philip still don't know that William basically committed suicide and isn't giving anything up. Gabriel tells them they should go home and welcomed with honors. Take the kids, pack up and ship off to Russia. Gabriel sneaky calls William a pansy, telling him his heart hasn't been in the cause for a long time. He tells Elizabeth she's been in it for nearly 20 years, and that the job isn't meant to last forever. They are understandably not happy, and the scene is cut into a bit with Paige playing with Tim and Alice's newborn baby to show how ingrained in America they are and how hard it would be to leave. And then a shot of Arkady taking shots as he thinks about having to leave. Another really powerful shot as he looks at a statue of Lenin

-Not Nina isn't gong to Kenya as the Centre wants her to stay and help Arkady's replacement for continuity and then stay on to help with a smooth transition. Sort of a bad time for Oleg to tell her he put in a transfer request to go back to Moscow and be with his family, though I see a lesser motive being lessening the temptation to keep meeting with Stan and possibly turning. Not Nina tells him he's a good son, which is the same thing Arkady said.

-Okay NOW William is in awful shape. Bleeding out the nose, puking up blood. He then goes on a HORRIBLE fever tirade about trying to get married before but it not working out and basically talking about the Jennings family and their marriage and kids and Elizabeth being pretty and Philip being lucky without naming any names. He says you wouldn't suspect them. STOP WILLIAM I WANT TO LIKE YOU UNTIL THE VERY END. Don't give up anyone!

-Paige and Matthew have a nice little talk about their parents and infidelity and then they makeout which I am not tuning into this show for.

-"You wanna pack, get the hell outta here?" "Maybe. I don't know." Philip and Elizabeth respectively. Then Stan comes home, alone luckily. Philip goes over to get Paige and Stan awkwardly tells him about the tonsil hockey. Cmon man, I know you're not in a marriage anymore but you have to have some sense about what to tell and what not to. That isn't something you tell. If my dad walked in on me and my girlfriend I would pray to every god there is he wouldn't tell her dad. And he wouldn't because my dad A) Doesn't like people and B) Knows social norms.

-After leaving, Philip tells Paige he doesnt want her seeing Matthew again. She is obviously going to think its just dad being an unreasonable dad, but the truth is she can't be emotionally invested with anything now that theres a chance they all go to Moscow at any moment. It was one thing before William was captured and they wanted Paige to have friends. A romantic relationship and the threat of the FBI knocking down your door or you fleeing the country is a whole different ballgame.

-The final shot of the season...

What a season. Some action, some emotion, story lines moving at a rapid pace. Last season set up some big moments for this season, and those moments are setting up some serious shit for next season.  It sounds like I say that a lot, but its true. You have to move the stories along before the sparks meet the gunpowder. So what are we looking at for Season 5? The fallout from William, and maybe his final moments (that would be so painful to watch man).  Will they find out he hasn't spilled anything? Will they have to go to Russia? If William dies without giving the FBI any new info, and every other lead having gone cold, where will Stan and Fat Shaggy turn next? Will Henry learn anything? Will Paige become a spy? How far into the future will the last two seasons go? Are we picking up where we left off (I think we are for next season), and will the final season deal with later events like the tearing down of the Berlin Wall? Will Lil Phil make it to America and somehow find Philip? Or will he somehow come across Martha and do sex with her? Sucks we have to wait til next March to continue the story. Even though we weren't left with an actual cliffhanger, that ending felt like one. The unknown of what the next move has to be.

Thank you to all who read these recaps at any point int he season. This is such a good show with so many layers, it could not have been easy to put up with my incoherent ramblings. I'll be back with The Americans with a preview before next season starts and all throughout our 5th year of the show. Any interesting news regarding the show I'll be sure to post about. Until then check out all the other stuff going on here. Revs stuff, random stories, and I'm thinking of other shows to do posts about (maybe just dumb scenes from Ballers?) For now at least, мейте хороший товарищей, Он горит.

No One Told Luis Suarez He Wasn't Playing Tonight And He Was Having None Of It

Love him or hate him, you have to admit Luis Suarez is one of the best in the world. As Tiko Texas once said, Numbers Never Lie. Suarez has been dealing with a hammy issue which caused Uruguay manager Oscar Tabarez to scratch him from the squad. And as illustrated above, no one told Suarez. Kind of a gaffe, no? Might wanna do that if your so concerned about his health; prevent him from doing any warmups or running that could tweak the hammy again. He does it in a game? Fine, it sucks but at least he was putting effort in on the field and trying to make a difference, not doing wind sprints on the side when he's not even eligible to play as a result of that "O" next to his name on the team sheet.

And how about the manager just letting him do those warmups? Dude, call him back and tell him before he starts to break a sweat. Don't let him go through the whole song and dance only to have him crushed by thinking he's gonna save the team and finding out he's ineligible to play.

As for Uruguay, they were knocked out of Copa America after their 1-0 loss to Venezuela. Amazing talent that just pooped all over themselves this tournament (and really all the other tournaments in recent memory, but we can focus on this one). Edison Cavani is supposed to be a top tier striker and be a battery mate of Suarez's, and I think he may put a bullet in his brain after this one.

PS-If I'm a manager/head coach and my star player isn't 100%, they're dressing and available to me as a sub at the very least. Hope you don't need them, but if you do just send them in and pray to the heavens they have something, anything in the tank to give, even if its just an emotional swing. This is different than an RG3 situation. If the guy gets hurt during a game with a severe enough injury, I pull him. If the injury happens away from the game, they are getting treatment leading up to the whistle and suiting up. The difference between an in-game injury and coming into a game not 100% may seem inconsequential, but the difference in how you can approach them is huge.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Adidas Spells "Colombia" Wrong On Ads And IS Forced To Apologize

ESPN-Adidas have apologised for misspelling "Colombia" in advertisements featuring the team in new jerseys for the Copa America tournament.
The ads, which showed Colombian players in the home white jerseys, were pulled by Adidas after social media widely ridiculed the company for spelling the country "Columbia."
The company, which has its North American headquarters in Portland, Oregon, said in a statement Tuesday: "We value our partnership with the Colombian Football Federation and apologize for our mistake. We removed these graphics and are quickly installing new versions today."
Adidas has provided the uniforms for Colombia since 2011.
I know people in general want to try as little as possible at work, but this is one of those cases where if you're the manager, you cannot delegate this to some intern. I mean this is something people can actually be mad about. You've been making Colombia's kits for five years. The ball right in front of that display has the name spelled correctly! If you're the boss you have to do this on your own and make sure everything is correct. Regardless, it happened so there are two scenarios as to how the next part played out. 1) The boss caught the mistake but was under a deadline and it was too late to make new, correct ones so he just sent them off. Or 2) He somehow was dumber than the intern and didn't catch the mistake, which is probably worse than just sending the incorrect version while knowing it was wrong.

But how about the store mangers putting them up? Same goes for them. You're either too dumb to realize its the wrong spelling or just care so little that you put them up anyway. bad move for the first option, cocky move for the second one.

PS-The more I think about it, its kind of BS there's two different spellings. Columbia is a clothing brand and also the "C" in "Washington DC". Colombia is the country. Why do other languages get their own spellings and ways of saying countries but we have to use their ways of saying it? We're "Los Estados Unidos" in Colombia, but Colombia can't be "Columbia" here? Would that screw up the whole "District of Columbia" thing? Also this may only be a gripe with Colombia. Hope James signs for Arsenal though.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Shoutout To Natasha Oakley And Devin Brugman For Making A Self-Aware Video

Sometimes I wonder if all these Instagram models realize the Bizarro World lives they all lead. They can't all believe taking pictures on your phone with free stuff to advertise is by any means "normal", can they? And then the more you think about it, thats totally plausible. "I'm just like everyone else! I wake up and work out, eat my Slim Waist Pancake Mix (totally not an ad, I swear by this product!), hang out by the pool in my Skinny Hot Girl Bikini (thank you so much for the free bikinis! Everyone check them out and get yours for full price while I actually make money on mine!), take some pics to post on my Insta, schedule an appointment for next week to get pooped on by a prince in Dubai, and then go out on the town with a bunch of my girls and some guys who definitely don't want to have sex with me!"

So props to Tash and Dev. They may wear bikinis every day and travel to a new vacation every week, but they also started their own business off of that, and were able to make a self-aware video based on that idea of the clueless InstaModel. They truly lead some fantastic lives. And are good looking to boot.

I would say hit me up, but I don't think my boo Danielle Colaprico would like that...

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Americans "A Roy Rogers In Franconia" Recap

Second to last episode of the season. Setting up a major, and I mean MAJOR, plot line for the finale. This show has turned into a lot of seeing characters emotions and feeling what they're going through. And this episode was full of emotion. Again, not a lot of Vine-able material, but I did my best on that front with a few minor things. Without further ado...

-We open up with Elizabeth and Paige coming back home after Elizabeth murks a dude. We finally see Henry a little shook, showing some emotion. Goddamn Paige being ungrateful again because a bum got killed. "Did you have to do that? Did you have to?" Yeah Paige, the dirty homeless man wanted to maliciously sexually assault you and take all your mom's money, that guy dies when he makes his move, especially when in the presence of a KGB operative.

-Paige asks how she knew how to do that and brought up the fact Elizabeth was so calm while killing him. She's still under the impression they are "peace workers" and don't do anything physical. Elizabeth tells her she's done that before to "protect herself" and that she doesn't know how many times she has done it. Paige may think thats because of emotional distress or something like that, but Elizabeth may have legitimately lost count considering her body count is through the roof.

-Neil deGrasse Tyson visits the repair shop where e the mail robot was repaired and Elizabeth forced an old woman to kill herself.

-Philip meets William in the park and now has his access to Level 4. William describes the new pathogen that sounds horrid, like truly the worst thing I can imagine...

He basically tells Philip he cannot in good conscience take part in even the slightest possibility of having that illness released to the world, and to tell Gabriel the truth as to why.

-Not Nina tells Oleg some huge news. The Centre has made her the Rezident in Nairobi, Kenya. She tells him that she may be able to pick her own deputy, which would be Oleg. Hey Oleg, if it doesn't happen let me be the first to send you Thoughts and Prayers on the end of sex with Not Nina #Prayers4Oleg

-Philip returns home and Elizabeth informs him about Paige telling her about Matthew blabbing to her about Martha. Elizabeth is definitely horrified to an extent, given her concerned face saying "She reported it to me." That's what KGB do, reports. Paige is turning without knowing it and without her parents help. I don't think she'll ever do a full turn and become KGB, but she'll start to show more spy-like tendencies.

-Fat Shaggy has a guy dismantle the mail robot and they find the bug in it. After writing out a message to put it back together, he goes to Stan and their new boss for a great interaction...

-Credit where credit is due. Paige grills Elizabeth for not answering questions. She asks if Elizabeth knew it would be dangerous work when she joined, Elizabeth hits her with the usual "I wanted t sere my country" and Paige calls her out on it. Interesting to note that Elizabeth says she was only two when World War II ended, so she was born in 1943. It's 1983 now, making Elizabeth 40, and Philip likely around the same. Paige is about 15/16, so Elizabeth was about 25 when she had her. They've been at this for a long time. Having to go through training, perfect their English, assume credible ID's and occupations, and then start their family in the US. Gives some good perspective into life as KGB under cover.

-Oleg has apparently had enough. Things going to shit back home, going to shit now in the US, finally gets another steady relationship and now that's being moved to Africa. So he may be ready to make the move to Kenya.

-Two agents at the FBI watching a surveillance camera pointed at the mail robot catch a lady trying to tamp[er with the machine. Stan, Neil and their boss (just gonna call him Boss from now on) discuss whats happening and they have the device she was trying to plant. Apparently the woman met a guy at a "Roy Rogers In Franconia" (episode title, Roy Rogers is a restaurant, and there's one in Franconia, VA). She hints the guy is part of the mob and is worried the FBI are after one of his gambling operations. He offers her $500/week to make the drops. Boss casually mentions bringing this stuff to higher ups and that they can likely spread the pain farther up the ladder. Makes me think Arkady is in deep trouble.

-Gabriel, in the presence of Philip, calls Martha's mother and delivers a message. Just saying the typical stuff: She loves you, thinks about you, she's alright and being taken care of by people who care about her. Just creating more questions than answers, like all of these types of situations end up.

-Cut to Russia where Oleg's mother receives a call from her only remaining son. Just a real nice, heartfelt conversation. Adds depth to Oleg's character, and shows how much he loves his mom compared to his dad.

-If this show somehow turns into the Paige-Matthew Love Story Hour I'll have officially lost all faith. I know its all but certain its going to be a "Matthew is a source of info for Paige/her parents" but the one in one million shot it becomes something else and I'm out.

-Oleg gives up William. Doesn't name names or get into specifics, but tells Stan in their last meeting that America is outsourcing biological warfare to private companies and that the Russians have someone inside the company. William is cooked and now THAT might make me #DONE with this show. If William dies I will be angry on the Internet, that's a promise.

-Philip picks up William and brings him to Gabriel's. He tells Gabriel that he's lost sight and faith in what they're doing. Gabriel tells him he needs to dos this one last job and then he can go back to Russia and start his life as a hero. Unfortunately, there were still like 5 minutes left in the episode so you knew something bad was gonna happen. To be honest it let like Gabriel was almost setting William up for an assassination. Frank Langela does a fantastic job of being an innocent grandpa while simultaneously being the most manipulative bastard on the planet.

-The FBI is underway with their research for the science stuff. Matthew and Paige get home from school and Matthew tells her Stan has been at work for two days. And then they end up kissing and do the awkward "I should go" song and dance after a first kiss. True story, my first kiss gave me a cold. My girlfriend (remember 8th grade love? Those were the days. You know who you are if you are reading this (it's very unlikely tbh) and you can slide into my DMs #ShootYourShot2016) had the cold, we were at a high school football game, I wanted to show off and kiss her anyways and woke up the next morning with a high fever and sniffles like you wouldn't believe.

-Paige tells her parents about Stan and then they ask her about Matthew. That leads to Philip being the good parent and telling her to have friends and be as normal as possible and Elizabeth basically being the opposite and paranoid. And then she calls them out for pushing her towards Tim and Alice when she wanted nothing to do with them, and now saying to be careful who she opens up to when she wants to be friends with people. Philip gets a call...

-William has been compromised. The FBI cracked his stolen identity. I am officially on William Watch (that's now trademarked, get at me). Do not kill William and you will not welcome Hell's Fury.

-The Jennings tell Paige that Philip is going to meet with a person who will give him something their country needs. After some more proving, Elizabeth tells her it's part of a weapon Russia will use if they are attacked. Paige's response...

Next week's preview:

GODDAMMIT. WILLIAM NO. So weird seeing him just be so down this episode. No William Moment of the Week because he wasn't witty. Just down in the dumps. Foreshadowing his demise I suppose. If next week's season finale doesn't show me William alive as the camera cuts to black I will, again, be angry on the Internet.

Hit me up with theories, questions, comments, let me know if you think I missed anything here, the whole 9 on Twitter @TheSituAsian508. Имейте хороший товарищей, Он горит.