Thursday, June 9, 2016

No One Told Luis Suarez He Wasn't Playing Tonight And He Was Having None Of It

Love him or hate him, you have to admit Luis Suarez is one of the best in the world. As Tiko Texas once said, Numbers Never Lie. Suarez has been dealing with a hammy issue which caused Uruguay manager Oscar Tabarez to scratch him from the squad. And as illustrated above, no one told Suarez. Kind of a gaffe, no? Might wanna do that if your so concerned about his health; prevent him from doing any warmups or running that could tweak the hammy again. He does it in a game? Fine, it sucks but at least he was putting effort in on the field and trying to make a difference, not doing wind sprints on the side when he's not even eligible to play as a result of that "O" next to his name on the team sheet.

And how about the manager just letting him do those warmups? Dude, call him back and tell him before he starts to break a sweat. Don't let him go through the whole song and dance only to have him crushed by thinking he's gonna save the team and finding out he's ineligible to play.

As for Uruguay, they were knocked out of Copa America after their 1-0 loss to Venezuela. Amazing talent that just pooped all over themselves this tournament (and really all the other tournaments in recent memory, but we can focus on this one). Edison Cavani is supposed to be a top tier striker and be a battery mate of Suarez's, and I think he may put a bullet in his brain after this one.

PS-If I'm a manager/head coach and my star player isn't 100%, they're dressing and available to me as a sub at the very least. Hope you don't need them, but if you do just send them in and pray to the heavens they have something, anything in the tank to give, even if its just an emotional swing. This is different than an RG3 situation. If the guy gets hurt during a game with a severe enough injury, I pull him. If the injury happens away from the game, they are getting treatment leading up to the whistle and suiting up. The difference between an in-game injury and coming into a game not 100% may seem inconsequential, but the difference in how you can approach them is huge.

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