Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Americans "A Roy Rogers In Franconia" Recap

Second to last episode of the season. Setting up a major, and I mean MAJOR, plot line for the finale. This show has turned into a lot of seeing characters emotions and feeling what they're going through. And this episode was full of emotion. Again, not a lot of Vine-able material, but I did my best on that front with a few minor things. Without further ado...

-We open up with Elizabeth and Paige coming back home after Elizabeth murks a dude. We finally see Henry a little shook, showing some emotion. Goddamn Paige being ungrateful again because a bum got killed. "Did you have to do that? Did you have to?" Yeah Paige, the dirty homeless man wanted to maliciously sexually assault you and take all your mom's money, that guy dies when he makes his move, especially when in the presence of a KGB operative.

-Paige asks how she knew how to do that and brought up the fact Elizabeth was so calm while killing him. She's still under the impression they are "peace workers" and don't do anything physical. Elizabeth tells her she's done that before to "protect herself" and that she doesn't know how many times she has done it. Paige may think thats because of emotional distress or something like that, but Elizabeth may have legitimately lost count considering her body count is through the roof.

-Neil deGrasse Tyson visits the repair shop where e the mail robot was repaired and Elizabeth forced an old woman to kill herself.

-Philip meets William in the park and now has his access to Level 4. William describes the new pathogen that sounds horrid, like truly the worst thing I can imagine...

He basically tells Philip he cannot in good conscience take part in even the slightest possibility of having that illness released to the world, and to tell Gabriel the truth as to why.

-Not Nina tells Oleg some huge news. The Centre has made her the Rezident in Nairobi, Kenya. She tells him that she may be able to pick her own deputy, which would be Oleg. Hey Oleg, if it doesn't happen let me be the first to send you Thoughts and Prayers on the end of sex with Not Nina #Prayers4Oleg

-Philip returns home and Elizabeth informs him about Paige telling her about Matthew blabbing to her about Martha. Elizabeth is definitely horrified to an extent, given her concerned face saying "She reported it to me." That's what KGB do, reports. Paige is turning without knowing it and without her parents help. I don't think she'll ever do a full turn and become KGB, but she'll start to show more spy-like tendencies.

-Fat Shaggy has a guy dismantle the mail robot and they find the bug in it. After writing out a message to put it back together, he goes to Stan and their new boss for a great interaction...

-Credit where credit is due. Paige grills Elizabeth for not answering questions. She asks if Elizabeth knew it would be dangerous work when she joined, Elizabeth hits her with the usual "I wanted t sere my country" and Paige calls her out on it. Interesting to note that Elizabeth says she was only two when World War II ended, so she was born in 1943. It's 1983 now, making Elizabeth 40, and Philip likely around the same. Paige is about 15/16, so Elizabeth was about 25 when she had her. They've been at this for a long time. Having to go through training, perfect their English, assume credible ID's and occupations, and then start their family in the US. Gives some good perspective into life as KGB under cover.

-Oleg has apparently had enough. Things going to shit back home, going to shit now in the US, finally gets another steady relationship and now that's being moved to Africa. So he may be ready to make the move to Kenya.

-Two agents at the FBI watching a surveillance camera pointed at the mail robot catch a lady trying to tamp[er with the machine. Stan, Neil and their boss (just gonna call him Boss from now on) discuss whats happening and they have the device she was trying to plant. Apparently the woman met a guy at a "Roy Rogers In Franconia" (episode title, Roy Rogers is a restaurant, and there's one in Franconia, VA). She hints the guy is part of the mob and is worried the FBI are after one of his gambling operations. He offers her $500/week to make the drops. Boss casually mentions bringing this stuff to higher ups and that they can likely spread the pain farther up the ladder. Makes me think Arkady is in deep trouble.

-Gabriel, in the presence of Philip, calls Martha's mother and delivers a message. Just saying the typical stuff: She loves you, thinks about you, she's alright and being taken care of by people who care about her. Just creating more questions than answers, like all of these types of situations end up.

-Cut to Russia where Oleg's mother receives a call from her only remaining son. Just a real nice, heartfelt conversation. Adds depth to Oleg's character, and shows how much he loves his mom compared to his dad.

-If this show somehow turns into the Paige-Matthew Love Story Hour I'll have officially lost all faith. I know its all but certain its going to be a "Matthew is a source of info for Paige/her parents" but the one in one million shot it becomes something else and I'm out.

-Oleg gives up William. Doesn't name names or get into specifics, but tells Stan in their last meeting that America is outsourcing biological warfare to private companies and that the Russians have someone inside the company. William is cooked and now THAT might make me #DONE with this show. If William dies I will be angry on the Internet, that's a promise.

-Philip picks up William and brings him to Gabriel's. He tells Gabriel that he's lost sight and faith in what they're doing. Gabriel tells him he needs to dos this one last job and then he can go back to Russia and start his life as a hero. Unfortunately, there were still like 5 minutes left in the episode so you knew something bad was gonna happen. To be honest it let like Gabriel was almost setting William up for an assassination. Frank Langela does a fantastic job of being an innocent grandpa while simultaneously being the most manipulative bastard on the planet.

-The FBI is underway with their research for the science stuff. Matthew and Paige get home from school and Matthew tells her Stan has been at work for two days. And then they end up kissing and do the awkward "I should go" song and dance after a first kiss. True story, my first kiss gave me a cold. My girlfriend (remember 8th grade love? Those were the days. You know who you are if you are reading this (it's very unlikely tbh) and you can slide into my DMs #ShootYourShot2016) had the cold, we were at a high school football game, I wanted to show off and kiss her anyways and woke up the next morning with a high fever and sniffles like you wouldn't believe.

-Paige tells her parents about Stan and then they ask her about Matthew. That leads to Philip being the good parent and telling her to have friends and be as normal as possible and Elizabeth basically being the opposite and paranoid. And then she calls them out for pushing her towards Tim and Alice when she wanted nothing to do with them, and now saying to be careful who she opens up to when she wants to be friends with people. Philip gets a call...

-William has been compromised. The FBI cracked his stolen identity. I am officially on William Watch (that's now trademarked, get at me). Do not kill William and you will not welcome Hell's Fury.

-The Jennings tell Paige that Philip is going to meet with a person who will give him something their country needs. After some more proving, Elizabeth tells her it's part of a weapon Russia will use if they are attacked. Paige's response...

Next week's preview:

GODDAMMIT. WILLIAM NO. So weird seeing him just be so down this episode. No William Moment of the Week because he wasn't witty. Just down in the dumps. Foreshadowing his demise I suppose. If next week's season finale doesn't show me William alive as the camera cuts to black I will, again, be angry on the Internet.

Hit me up with theories, questions, comments, let me know if you think I missed anything here, the whole 9 on Twitter @TheSituAsian508. Имейте хороший товарищей, Он горит.

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