Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Adidas Spells "Colombia" Wrong On Ads And IS Forced To Apologize

ESPN-Adidas have apologised for misspelling "Colombia" in advertisements featuring the team in new jerseys for the Copa America tournament.
The ads, which showed Colombian players in the home white jerseys, were pulled by Adidas after social media widely ridiculed the company for spelling the country "Columbia."
The company, which has its North American headquarters in Portland, Oregon, said in a statement Tuesday: "We value our partnership with the Colombian Football Federation and apologize for our mistake. We removed these graphics and are quickly installing new versions today."
Adidas has provided the uniforms for Colombia since 2011.
I know people in general want to try as little as possible at work, but this is one of those cases where if you're the manager, you cannot delegate this to some intern. I mean this is something people can actually be mad about. You've been making Colombia's kits for five years. The ball right in front of that display has the name spelled correctly! If you're the boss you have to do this on your own and make sure everything is correct. Regardless, it happened so there are two scenarios as to how the next part played out. 1) The boss caught the mistake but was under a deadline and it was too late to make new, correct ones so he just sent them off. Or 2) He somehow was dumber than the intern and didn't catch the mistake, which is probably worse than just sending the incorrect version while knowing it was wrong.

But how about the store mangers putting them up? Same goes for them. You're either too dumb to realize its the wrong spelling or just care so little that you put them up anyway. bad move for the first option, cocky move for the second one.

PS-The more I think about it, its kind of BS there's two different spellings. Columbia is a clothing brand and also the "C" in "Washington DC". Colombia is the country. Why do other languages get their own spellings and ways of saying countries but we have to use their ways of saying it? We're "Los Estados Unidos" in Colombia, but Colombia can't be "Columbia" here? Would that screw up the whole "District of Columbia" thing? Also this may only be a gripe with Colombia. Hope James signs for Arsenal though.

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