Monday, April 27, 2020

Dennis Rodman Is Actually NOT Interesting, According to Bill Simmons

'The Last Dance' has been captivating TV the past two Sunday's. It would be captivating even without Big Rona wreaking havoc on entertainment. Last night we got what was sort of the Dennis Rodman-centric episode 3. Seeing all the stuff he did, seeing his teammates react both in the moment and in the interviews decades later, it was great. Highly entertaining theatre. Well, unless you're Captain Charisma Bill Simmons:
It's a fair point. Whomst could say this man is interesting??


The story about how he went from homeless to cleaning airport bathrooms at 20, and then growing 13 inches to become arguably the greatest rebounder and defender in NBA history, all while dyeing his hair a variety of colors seemingly weekly and wearing dresses and banging Madonna? A goddamn SNOOZEFEST if I've ever seen one. If he wanted to be considered cool and worthy of public intrigue, he should have asked to take a 48-hour leave of absence from the Bulls midseason to go on a bender in Vegas, complete with drinking Miller Lite as he was about to drive a motorcycle and needing MICHAEL JORDAN to come to the Strip to drag you back to practice after you've been AWOL for hours past your 48-hour team-approved romp. Oh and he should have had Carmen Electra hiding behind a couch when MJ came to collect. But alas, he wasn't interesting so it was impossible to think of this at the time. 

If, hypothetically, the only thing Dennis Rodman did besides play basketball is be best friends with a ruthless dictator of a Hermit Kingdom, being one of the only things about Western Culture this man likes and one of the few things to bring him actual human happiness, then that alone would be INCREDIBLY interesting. 


But The Worm was also, in theory, doing things like wearing dresses and eye shadow back before it was cool.

He might have joined the NWO at one point too. 

(Please watch that and then try to tell me Dennis Rodman isn't one of the coolest dudes on the planet)

This would not even be scratching the surface with Dennis Rodman. This guy has done so much stuff that would make anyone double take that you could probably do a docu-series just on his off the court hijinx. Alas, Billy Boy, who knows everything about having interesting personality traits, says he is not actually that interesting. Tough break for Ol Den, but thats the way the cookie crumbles. 

I'll leave you with this thought because it is a very fair point by Coley:

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