Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Correct Greatest Wrestler of All-Time Bracket, Round 2 (Part 3)


Halfway home in round numero dos. We have the Flair Region up next.

(1) Ric Flair v. (8) AJ Styles

My biggest gripe with Blackjack Fletcher's setup is the seeding. This post alone has some incredibly difficult matchup to call, including this one. AJ Styles has a STRONG argument for GOAT of the past 10 years. He has dominated everywhere he has been, including TNA where he teamed with Ric Flair as a protege of sorts. He is a 5-tool player every day of the week. But can I justify knocking THE Nature Boy out in the second round?? I'm not sure...


(4) Kurt Angle v. (12) Matt Hardy

Two guys who are underrated in terms of range I think. In terms of character work these two can go up against anyone. Serious, goofy, whatever it is they can do it. Angle's prowess in the ring takes the cake but Broken Matt Hardy puts up a fight for sure. 


(3) Bret Hart v. (6) Jeff Hardy


These two are the epitome of cool. Bret Hart has the shades, the leather jacket, that air of "I know I'm better than you". Jeff Hardy is cool ion the sense that he's very different but makes it trendy. He's edgy in a way that makes people go "Boy I wish I could pull that off, but I should stick to my Air Monarchs." Anyone can wear shades, but Jeff Hardy had dudes going "Could I possibly wear cut up pantyhose on my arms and have long, rainbow colored hair anytime other than Halloween? Is it even acceptable on October 31st??" I have to acknowledge how good The Hitman was, one of the best fir sure, but he unfortunately has to run into my bias. 


(2) John Cena v. (7) Triple H

We've seen a ton of Cena-Trips matches over the years, and we've seen them on the same side as well. It's a very interesting relationship seeing as Cena came years after Triple H, but they were both very much in their primes around the same time. They were never huge rivals per se, as Cena dealt a lot with Edge in those years while Triple H was working programs with Batista and DX, but there was a definite battle of egos when they would meet. Both incredibly accomplished, but I'd give the edge to Cena in a super narrow victory. One of the closer calls so far. 


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