Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Correct Greatest Wrestler of All-Time Bracket: Sweet 16 (Part Deux)


(1) Ric Flair v. (4) Kurt Angle

I don't think anyone would really say Ric Flair had better skills in the ring than Kurt Angle, who is one of the most freak athletes I have seen. Flair made his bread with his persona. The idea of "Ric Flair" is incredibly prestigious. Angle, meanwhile, did way more comedy than Flair ever did but at the same time he could flip that switch and be the meanest, most intense dudes on the planet. The legacy of Flair is undeniable, but Angle ain't no slouch either.


(2) John Cena v. (6) Jeff Hardy


John Cena is the modern version of Hulk Hogan but, like, a WAY better person from what I can tell. Pena is arguably more important in terms of the Make-A-Wish program than he is in any other facet of his life. The number of kids each year who's one wish is to meet John Cena is goddamn staggering.  He's done over SIX HUNDRED (600) Wishes. He's basically done one Make-A-Wish a day for like two years STRAIGHT. And that's without doing things like working out, wrestling, acting, learning fluent Mandarin, and everything in between. I LOVE Jeff Hardy. He's incredibly unique and entertaining. The things he's done would make you and I puke multiple times:

I really wish I could move him on here, but John Cena is the standard. He's maybe as close to a real superhero as we can get.


(1) Steve Austin v. (4) Daniel Bryan


The YES! Movement was a global phenomenon and it grew organically from the connection Daniel Bryan made with the fans. Someone who looks like him was never supposed to be THE guy in WWE, but he forced their hand by being incredible at everything. I've always been a fan of submission specialists which is what Bryan was at least until the past few years. But I don't think any move he has in his arsenal is as iconic and imitated as the Stone Cold Stunner. The Stunner might be the move most often done by drunk males on their friends at 12:48 AM as they wait for a massive order from McDonalds to arrive. And you add the Beer Bash into the mix?


(3) Shawn Michaels v. (7) Randy Orton

Another matchup we have seen play out in front of us before, Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels are intertwined with the rise of Orton at the same time Michaels was trying to stay a top guy as he got older. Randy is a future Hall of Famer, that is not in doubt in the slightest. He has the iconic move with the RKO, played great characters on both the good and evil side, and is one of the best in the ring... when he cares. That last bit is what plagues him a little. I don't care as much as other people but there's no denying that he can switch it off and just coast a lot. HBK also has the iconic move in Sweet Chin Music, he has titles, he's literally called "Mr. WrestleMania". He moves on in a  close encounter.


Sweet 16 done and dusted, and I hated all my picks but also would hate them if I reversed them too. This is no-win territory and it stinks. I don't care for it one bit. But we have to play the cards we are dealt, so more tough calls in the Elite 8 coming soon. 

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