Monday, April 20, 2020

The Correct Greatest Wrestler of All-Time Bracket: The Final Four


We're getting closer to the end and we have 4 STRONG ass candidates for the crown. A look at our updated bracket:

I feel like its a good mix of #FACTS and my own personal bias, which of course is correct and not wrong. Let's get to the matchups. 

(4) The Undertaker v. (5) Rey Mysterio

A total clash of styles here with the small luchador going against the big, undead wizard. Mysterio has been immense for the current crop of stars, especially those that are undersized. Getting the masses behind a style that was literally and figuratively a bit foreign and definitely not mainstream is not an easy thing to do, but Mysterio made it work. I know he wasn't the first to do it but he made it mainstream. But I don't think anyone has ever connected with their audience quite like Taker. No one has captivated an audience with their character like he has, despite everyone knowing its goofy at tits core. Like we all just accept that this guy makes lighting appear when he wants and is a walking talking Deadman. 


(1) Stone Cold Steve Austin v. (4) Kurt Angle


Talk about two guys who know each other very well. In their primes around the same time, Angle and Austin crossed plenty of paths. They each had this quality where they were the most intense and scary people when competing but they knew how to be funny at the same time. 

At their best, they held the audience in their palms, able to control how they felt through simple actions and words. It's remarkable how good they were all things considered. At the end of the day, I think you have to look at what they left behind. Angle is beloved and he's gotten great reactions when he's been around in the past few years. He's easily one of the best when it comes to pure ring ability alone. But Austin. Austin had people giving stunners, smashing beers against each other, yelling "WHAT" over and over, and changing Bible verses for crying out loud. 


And so, we have our final matchup: The Undertaker does battle with Stone Cold Steve Austin. The Final Round soon come...

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