Monday, April 6, 2020

The Correct Greatest Wrestler of All-Time Bracket, Round 2 (Part 1)

ROUND 1 PART 4 HERE (All parts linked  in there).

We've eliminated half the field, and now its time for more. Here's how the bracket looks so far...

First things first, please ignore the "2014 NCAA March Madness" title, and also ignore the sadness you may feel when you see that; there are a shocking lack of just blank bracket templates you can just fill out int his style. I'm thinking we do each region again like round 1 and then go from there. Also thinking of making them shorter now that we've gotten the bulk of each competitor's resume out of the way in round 1. Make them manageable pieces, ya know? So we return to the Hogan Region...

(1) Hulk Hogan v. (8) Edge

These two crossed paths as Hogan's career was ending and Edge's was just starting to enter it's prime. I would say that as far as all-around performers go, Edge may take the...edge... god dammit. But then again, Hulkster did the same AND raised the prestige of pro wrestling at the same time. 


(5) Ultimate Warrior v. (4) The Undertaker


Two guys who are essentially polar opposites despite being very similar. Both have an incredible intensity, but while Warrior lets his run rampant, Taker is the silent assassin. The aura Undertaker ahas created gives him the advantage. 


(6) Eddie Guerrero v. (3) Chris Jericho


This could end up being one of the sneaky most difficult matchups, which I know I say every time but I rally mean it now. Eddie was SO GODDAMN GOOD. And Chris Jericho is also SO GODDAMN GOOD. Jericho's runs in NJPW and now AEW in addition to being a top guy in WCW and WWE (just like Eddie) moves him on, but I'm very sad Eddie Guerrero's tournament is over. 


(7) Pat Patterson v. (2) The Rock 

It's very possible we wouldn't even have The Rock as we know him now without Pat Patterson helping to discover and hone him. But it's The Rock we're talking about. The fact he's one of the few performers from his era (thinking Stone Cold, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, etc.) who could realistically still give you a banger of a match right now speaks volumes. 


Hopefully back soon with the next region, since this went pretty fast while writing. Might expand more int he next ones, but I fell behind schedule a little and just wanted to get this out. We move. 

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