Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Best of Bobby Wood's Facebook Q&A

U.S. Soccer's resident Flyin' Hawaiian Bobby Wood did a Q&A on the U.S. Soccer Facebook page earlier. It was brief, but here are some of the best answers.

Never been to Hawaii but I love the culture and vibe. That said, SPAM is maybe the last thing I'd want to eat after an athletic event. Disgusting. And those better have been original Capri Sun and none of this Roaring' Water garbage. And preferably Strawberry Kiwi, though any of the Punches or Coolers are acceptable. Grape can kick rocks. 

Go for the neck Bobby!!! Calling out 1860 Munich and tagging them in it is power move city.

The Flyin' Hawaiian and Jewish Messi. Irvine Strikers practices must have looked like an FC Barcelona match. 

Continuing on yesterday's themes, poor Ronaldo. Getting faced by Messi yet again. 

I think I found the core issue with US Soccer, and the men's teams specifically. You can talk about tactics, training, fitness, youth development, etc. But the core problem? The root of our frustrations? The guys are listening to Meek Mill. That has to be put to an end. Meek Mill may be a good rapper, but the guy has taken more L's than the USMNT this past year, and that's saying something. That's not the right mindset to have. Listen to winners, not guys who are the second most famous rapper in the family. Stop letting our players listen to Meek Mill and maybe we see some tournament wins. I just fixed U.S. Soccer, no thanks needed. #MakeTheUSMNTAboveAverageAgain 

And now, Bobby Wood highlights: 

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