Tuesday, February 9, 2016

More Trouble For Johnny Football, Reportedly Showed Up Drunk To Browns Facility Week 17

Source-Manziel was ruled out for Week 17’s game against the Pittsburgh Steelers when the Browns said he arrived at practice on Wednesday complaining of concussion symptoms, apparently from the previous Sunday’s game. If this proves true, it could come with some penalty from the NFL, but it’s not remotely the most concerning thing about the report.

The Browns apparently were more concerned with either Manziel’s image or their own than getting him the help he needed for his alcoholism. He had been in rehab that very offseason and, if he indeed showed up intoxicated at work, then the medically sound decision would have been to get him treatment immediately. You could argue that the Browns were doing this at Manziel’s request or for his reputation if you wanted to be charitable, but it still wouldn’t mean the Browns had his best interest at heart.

A few months back I said Johnny Manziel should be a starter in Cleveland. That they should just let him do him instead of putting the restraints on. With this news coming out, I have no problem saying I was wrong. 100% wrong. There was a whole different level to the story I had no idea about. Manuel needs help. At this point I don't know if starting him would have made a difference inches behavior. He sits, he maybe stops caring and starts drinking more. He's the #1, he probably still goes overboard with his antics. He shouldn't be playing until he gets his act together personally. Get some real help, not the fee rehab stint he did.

I'd like to think NFL owners and GMs have the decency to see this kid has serious issues and won't enable him with millions of dollars in some very nice cities, but we all know Jerry Jones has zero remorse or a guilty conscience. And that sucks on multiple levels. He could end up helping Manziel dig his own grave. And that's sad to see coming down the road.

Also, not a great look for the Browns. Lying about a concussion to protect their own image, that's a scummy move.

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