Sunday, February 7, 2016

Cam Newton Was Having None Of HIs Post-Super Bowl Presser

Not a good look for Cam. And crazy as it sounds, I agree with Deion Sanders. I won't say I "get it", because I never have been nor will I ever be in Cam's position. It's understandable that he's disappointed and sad. I have no problem with that. He has every right to be, it was a crushing defeat to end what a lot of people thought was a magical season. But, as Deion put it, when you are the MVP of the league, one of the faces of the league, an ambassador of the brand and certainly the face of your franchise, you cannot act like that in your presser. Act like the face of the NFL in victory or defeat. Don't walk out on reporters with a job to do, and deadlines to hit, hoping to get something out of the league MVP and certified star of the season.

And before anyone pulls the Belichick card, Bill ALWAYS acts like that in pressers, win or lose. He's been chastised for it before, so stick that one back in your pocket. Reporters know what to expect from BB.

And stop with the "reporters asking rude questions" and all that nonsense. They're doing their job.  Every player in that position gets asked the same questions. There were legitimate questions int here to, not just "Are you disappointed?" (I concede this is a small minority).

Russell Wilson handled last years loss pretty well:

I love Cam. I want to see him succeed (not against the Pats). Media is part of the job though.

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