Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I Have Zero Issue With Alejandro Bedoya and Jozy Altidore's Response To Abby Wambach's DUI

In case you were living under a rock, or just don't care (valid reasoning), recently retired US soccer star Abby Wambach was popped for a DUI (or DUII because in Oregon they like to be different). Here's the mugshot:

So then USMNT player Alejandro Bedoya responded with this: 
Savage. Now the background here is regarding comments made by Wambach on The Bill Simmons Podcast backing December:

            "I would definitely fire Jurgen [Klinsmann]. Sorry Sunil [Gulati], sorry, U.S. soccer, but I don't think  Jurgen and this litmus test on him has worked. He hasn't really focused, I feel, enough attention on the youth programs. Although he says he has, I don't think that he has," Wambach told Simmons. "The way that he has brought in a bunch of these foreign guys is not something I believe in wholeheartedly. I don't believe in it. I don't believe in it in my heart." "And I love Jermaine Jones, I love watching him play, and I love Fabian Johnson, and he plays in Germany and is actually killing it right now after being sent home for 'faking an injury.' But I just think that this experiment that U.S. Soccer has given Jurgen isn't one that personally I'm into."

This irked people since she basically called members of the men's team "foreign" when a lot of them are Americans born abroad due to the fact their mother or father was on active duty in the US military. Bedoya obviously got a lot of hate, and went on:

He also deleted a Tweet mentioning one of his best friends, Charlie Davis of the Revolution, nearly being killed by a drunk driver years ago, I'm guessing at the request of Davies, though I will not confirm that suspicion. Just a guess.

And then Jozy Altidore chimed in: 
That's in reference to the time Hope Solo allowed her husband to drive a team van while impaired, while she was in the van. 

This is a situation where I maybe wouldn't have said those things out loud, but certainly won't hate on them for doing so. They were obviously irked by Wambach's comments. Bedoya himself is of Colombian heritage, but born in the U.S. But he voiced his opinion as a result of being close with his teammates. He's close with them, and felt angry she would call them out for seemingly not being American enough. So joking it must be a "foreign-American" player's fault is a fine ribbing in my opinion. 

I like Abby Wambach, more the player at least, but what she did was stupid and avoidable. You don't have to agree about "kicking her while she's down", but she's open for criticism. She put other people's lives at risk by drinking and driving. As a response, her "xenophobic" (put that in quotes because I hate that I sound like a SJW) comments were brought back up. 

All that said, I think the biggest reason I liked what Bedoya and Altidore did was the fact it made other fans mad. 

All the 14-20 year old females on Twitter and Tumblr who name their accounts after women team players love nothing more than to call the men's team "trash". I love watching both play, so it kind of puts me off to the fandom when I see stuff like that. So they were out in full force calling Bedoya sexist (because thats the hot trend when looking for an insult) and saying maybe he should win something and how dare you say this about an accomplished athlete? Like Bedoya said, athletic achievement shouldn't be valued over human life. And if it were reversed, and it was a mens player with a DUI and a women's player made a joke, they would all be supporting her for making fun of the ugly man. 

You live in a sheltered world on social media behind fake names and turned this into you and women being victims. Separate yourselves from the teams for one second. Someone was busted for drunk driving and got called out by someone for comments the drunk driver made that insulted a large population. Another person chimed in to bring up an incident in which another person willingly let a partner drunk drive. 

Those people calling Bedoya and the MNT "trash" would be all for getting on the drunk driver, but because of the names involved its the other way around. 

And when they say this is causing a wedge between the two teams, Wambach may have broke the log with her comments months ago. 

Edit- All that said, I think news outlets bringing up her admission to using coke and weed in the past is BS. Just a non-story they use to generate ad dollars and clicks.

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