Saturday, April 23, 2016

Revs Lose 3-0 in DC, I Don't Know What To Say Anymore

Really, I just don't know what else to say at this point. How else can I put it that hasn't already been said since opening day? This team just can't seem to get over the hump. One win this season is the outlier. Other than that, it's draws or crushing losses. It's maddening. Let's get into it, I guess...

-Lineup notes: Goncalves back, meaning Watson back to the right. Juan still not ready to even be a sub. Teal up top and Charlie still on the bench. He hasn't started a game since March 12. Over a month.

-Worra in net for DC. He's been playing for them quite a bit lately. He started in New England back on March 12 and posted a shutout on 3 shots. Looking at his stats the trend seemed to be putting shots on target and pressuring him would cause him to crack. 6 games, 6 goals allowed, only two shutouts. Obviously ended up not being the case as he stood up to a few (and I mean few) good chances. 

-Right away the Revs looked pretty good. Not great, but good. Nice sequence involving Rowe and ending with Teal hitting the crossbar:

-Revs wasted a chance on a Tierney free kick. Rowe had space and ended up heading to Watson who absolutely shanked it out of bounds.

-There was so much space in the midfield that Koffie could have read a novel before feeling any pressure.

-The wheels really started falling off when Tierney went down with a non-contact injury. He seemed pretty down when they zoomed in on him, which made me fear the worse. The general mood near him was real negative. Luckily he walked off on his own power and didn't have a very noticeable limp, so it may not be as bad as we initially thought. But he was subbed out for London Woodberry, moving Watson to the left. One of the reasons we brought in Watson was because of that versatility:

-And then this...

It was converted. JoGo needs to try and do better there so Watson isn't forced into trying to make that tackle from behind. Marcelo did a good job selling that to make it even more obvious.

-And not much else happened in the first half. Good initial response from New England after the PK but it sort of just faded after bit. Neither team seemed to really be in it full bore.

-That continued into the second half. The most interesting parts of the game for the most part in the second were the Revs changes and formations. First, Lee went tot he left, Kelyn to the middle and Diego to the right to try and light a spark. Then Scotty went off, Kelyn went next to Koffie, Lee went back to the middle, Diego back to the left, and Teal went to the right so Charlie could go up top. Later, Daigo went on for Teal, pushing Kelyn back up to the wing. Seeing Kelyn's versatility carry over from preseason is good to see just in case.

-Going to cut to the chase. Acosta had a nice goal, nothing to do but tip your cap. Don't blame Bobby as the Revs defense got caught, again, and didn't pressure him enough.

-And then Saborio seemed to be called offside, and after about a minute ref reversed the all and it was the third goal. In need of our weekly ref debate, which seem sot always involve the Revs, here we are...

Offside or no? He was off initially, but the argument is Farrell paying the ball deliberately which makes it OK. I;m just so beat down at this point I'm not going to argue. You win MLS.

-Overall, sloppy game. They dint look to be themselves, save for a few flashes like a nice 1-2 with Diego and Lee. But they were just that. Flashes. They need to become the usual instead of instances. Just bad. They were bad. Uninspired play for the most part. What else can I say?

-Sidenote-DC fans chanting "Fuck you ref!" after the eventual 3rd goal was initially disallowed when up 2-0. C'mon guys, give it a rest. You're winning. It's not like that call would have decided the championship. Simmer down.

Man of the Match
I wasn't going to give it to anyone. But I'm going Lee Nguyen...
Yeah, maybe not the best instance for the song, but it's Lee's so whatever.

Involved with most of the flashes the guys showed, and he did this which is cool...

So congrats, I guess.

Back at home Wednesday the 27th at 730 against...Portland. Oh god.

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