KFC blogged about the Video Game Hall of Fame a little while back, and mentioned Pokemon. That got my brain going thinking about those days, and I realized Yugioh kicks the shit out of Pokemon in nearly every facet.
Card Game
Maybe the simplest determining factor. I guess the Pokemon card game came out as a result of the success the other facets had? But then theres no reason it should be worse since theres a blueprint already available. Yugioh was simpler, the cards looked cooler
and the dueling was more intense and competitive.
Yugioh 1-0 Pokemon
There were more elusive and special cards in Yugioh as well that you would give everything to get your hands on, which led me to...
The monsters in Yugioh were awesome. When it came to Pokemon there were the select few you knew would be reliable and do damage, in the shows, video games and card games. Your Pikachu's, Charizard's, etc. But with Yugioh there were so many different ways to win. So many different monsters on the field of battle at once that could end it all. Dark Magician, Blue Eyes White Dragon, Summoned Skull, Buster Blader. All certified murderers. But then you lok at the ones that were the most coveted. For Pokemon it was Mew and MewTwo:
Yugioh had Exodia the Forbidden One:
And the Egyptian God Cards, Slifer the Sky Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, and the Winged Dragon of Ra:
Any of these kick the teeth in on the Mews. Look at them! Look at the difference! Intimidating as hell! So not only are the regular monsters better than the Pokemon, the special ones are miles ahead as well.
Yugioh 2-0 Pokemon
Looking strictly at the main cast...
Yugioh consisted of Yugi, Yami Yugi (Spirit of the Puzzle), Joey, Tea, Tristian, and Bakura as protagonists. The big antagonist is Maximillion Pegasus. Then there's Seto Kaiba who's like a Stone Cold Steve Austin type: he's a bad guy that you cant help but love sometimes.
Pokemon counters with Ash, Misty and Brock. The antagonists are Team Rocket. The fact that Pegasus and Kaiba are legit villains and not just comedic relief like Rocket put them over the edge. There's more depth to the Yugioh characters. I don't hate Ash's hat turn though.
Yugioh 3-0 Pokemon
The plot of Yugioh starts with Yugi trying to save his grandpas soul from Pegasus, who also ends up stealing the soul of Kaibas younger brother. It ends up following a path that ends up with Egyptian pharaohs and gods and prophecies and all sorts of shit.
Pokemon is just about some kid who wants to collect them all and be a Pokemon master. I dont even have to explain my decision.
Yugioh 4-0 Pokemon
Video Games
The one place Yugioh falters. The video game just wasn't very fun, especially when compared to just playing the card game, which is basically what the game was. It didn't follow the plot of the show, didn't even really have much of a plot in general.
Pokemon was phenomenal in this department. Actually being a trainer and going on the Ash journey is a much better game than the show was. There was no better thrill than starting a Pokemon battle.
And being able to name your Pokemon was the best part of childhood. Never failed to laugh when you won and saw "BULBASAUR was beaten by BUTTHOLE!"
Yugioh 4-1 Pokemon
There you have it. Convincing win for Yugioh. I will say the video game aspect is a big one, but all things considered Pokemon pales in comparison to Yugioh. EXODIA! OBLITERATE!
PS-Not a main character, but Mai Valentine caused my transformation from a boy to a man. Baddest bitch out there.
Shit. It looks like I'm into anime-stuf, doesn't it? I'm not. That doesn't make me look any better... God dammit....
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