Friday, April 22, 2016

I Need To Rant About My Dorm's Laundry Room

That's not my actual laundry room. From the same campus, not the same, but close enough. There's 2 washers and 3 dryers in a building that houses around 90 people, give or take a few. That in of itself is absurd. But my core issue, the one that just eats away at my soul is that people will just leave their laundry in washers and dryers going after the cycle has ended. Let me show you something.

This is a little program we use called LaundryView. You select your building and it'll tell you when machines open up. White means open, light red is how much time is left, dark red just shows it's in use in general. Problem is that it'll show white when the cycle ends, not when someone takes their shit out. So that means you'll go down there and everything's full even though LaundryView says everything open. Real kick in the dick type of stuff. 

It just baffles me that people this old are such assholes. I'm talking people between 18-21 that haven't been too jaded by the world yet. Or maybe I should expect this type of animalistic behavior from fellow college students. Your human skills are so out of whack if you leave your laundry in the machines after they're done. Yesterday I gave up when someones stuff was in a washer 45 minutes after the cycle ended. 45 MINUTES! That insane! Who's trying to leave their clothes unattended for that long in a cold, wet mess? 

You're psychotic and above all else, an asshole if you do this. You know when you put your clothes in, set a timer if you don't want to look at the website. When it's down to a minute, go down to the laundry room and take your shit out so someone else can use it. It's not rocket science. We're not in Kindergarten when we still hadn't learned about sharing. 

And I know what you're saying. "Alex, just take their stuff out yourself." Fair point to raise, but allow me to offer my counterpoints. First, I'm not trying top touch other people's shit. Call me weird, but I'm not about that. That's their business to handle. Second, not even I'm that big of an asshole. I mean I'm an asshole, but not to the extent that I would do that. I still have basic human skills. I stay out of other peoples stuff as much as possible, so I'm not going to take their wet clothing and plop it on top of the washer or ground. I'm above them, not some pea-brained ape like them. 

It's a common courtesy. It's simple societal living. When your laundry is done move it within 5 minutes. I'll allow that buffer period. If your shower is taking long or you get caught up something, fine. Just get there within 5 minuted of the cycle ending and we have no problems. If everyone did this, the world would be a better place.

PS-I also noticed its all girls who leave their stuff in there. Is that like a gender thing? I feel like guys just wanna wash their shit (they ran out of underwear and socks and have to) and get out ASAP. Girls will just leave stuff everywhere, as if they made the entire dorm building their house. Bananas. Another reason I haven't moved shit. The off chance a girl walks in and I'm holding her delicates moving them and she gets the wrong idea. I'm not trying to trash my school's reputation, but let's just say a girl who walked in on that may not hesitate to toss out a sexual harassment accusation within 5 minutes, aka before they move their clothes.

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