Friday, April 1, 2016

Revs Bag First W Of The Season, 1-0 Over NYRB

Well, it wasn't pretty, but the Revs finally got a win. It only took 5 games but we got all 3 points. And it was our yearly "Revs Get The Boot To UniMas" game, which I actually don't hate as much as you'd think. I love the Spanish-speaking commentators having to pronounce these non-Hispanic names and places. And the passion you get for a goooooool is awesome. That is until the color guy today made a DeflateGate joke, at least I think thats what it was. Anyway, lets get into it:

-Right off the bat, ambitious effort from Juan. Would have been frontrunner for goal of the season if Robles hadn't just gotten his hands on it and then gotten some help form the post. And fantastic run from Diego getting into open space and finding Swags.
-Another good save from Robles on Teal, who needs to start finding his finishing. Great chip pass from Tierney to start that, and Diego heading a perfect through ball to Kelyn, or as the announcers called him, Kaylyn.
-Robles was good, but so was Bobby. Good save here on BWP to keep the lead.
-And finally, the goal. Swags to Diego in front of the open net.
-That acts a segue to talk about the ref. It was the GeigerShow. New York got Geiger'd. We got it last year against DC, Panama got it against Mexico in the Gold Cup last year, and now it was New York's turn I suppose. He was putrid. Cards flying everywhere, including this controversial red against Felipe:

At most, thats a yellow, but not red. He completely lost control of the match towards the end. But on that goal, Kemar Lawrence was clearly down for a bit as the Revs played on. Geiger maybe should have stopped play, but at least on TV he didn't appear hurt enough to warrant a stoppage of play or the Revs kicking it out of bounds, which apparently NYRB coach Jesse Marsch thought was shameful:
Shameful? No honor? Listen, guy, play to the whistle. If Lawrence's bone was sticking out of his skin and the Revs don't kick it out, I'd agree, maybe not that it was "shameful", but it would be a dick move. But he was sitting, not laying down, writhing in pain. You never know, so play on until you're told not to. You know what happens when you play with honor? You go through the moon door:

 -I thought Lee looked good. He just got back from international duty with the US, but seeing as Jurgy didn't play him, he was fresh.

-Rowe was good in Koffie's place, and got forward a lot more than I thought he would, especially on that Teal header. He's like the Brock Holt of the Revs. You can put him a lot of places and he'll perform.

-Interesting to see Swags get the start up top over Charlie. Have to think Chuck is almost back to 90-minute fitness, which is likely when he'll start.

-While Juan started up top, him and Teal exchanged a lot, getting Juan wide and Teal central. I know Teal had a good preseason as a central forward, but his finishing isn't there quite yet.

-Femi continues to get minutes while the other rookies (McCrary and Gamble) can't even sniff the bench. Shows that Heaps must be loving what the kid is giving in training. He and Herivaux could be a nice combo as they get older.

-London Woodberry looked better at RB than last match. He had more confidence, which may just come with the familiarity of home field. By look I mean soccer-wise, because he apparently still thinks he can pull off the Pogba hair. I still think we see Watson take back the starting role next game, but its n ice to know we have some reliable (sometimes) depth there.

Man of the Match
Diego continues to make it very, very hard to pick someone other than him. The goal and the header to Rowe on Teals chance were great. But I'm going with Bobby "Jesus" Shuttleworth.
Fresh off last weeks "Save of the Week" honors, he put in a great effort tonight. It might be a bit of a #HotTake but I think Bobby is top-tier keeper in MLS. Theres not a lot of guys I'd rather have over him. He doesn't make many mistakes, commands his backline like a champ, and more often then not, goals are a result of his defense leaving him out to dry. He had some big saves tonight that kept the lead, so while Juan, Diego, Geiger and Lawrence all get some credit for the Revs goal, Bobby gets credit for the win. It could have easily been a tie or loss, but Shuttleworth Saves (TM). 

Hosting Toronto FC next Saturday at 4 PM. Let's Pipe It Up. 

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