Thursday, April 14, 2016

The American's "Clark's Place" Recap

A lot of Clark/Martha on this one, which isn't surprising obviously given the name of the episode. Not a lot of action but a lot of moving parts and storylines moving ahead, if that makes sense. Lets roll...

-First off, no William at all this week. Devastating. No other way to put it. I'm heartbroken there wasn't a single snarky comment made by our favorite scientist. You get a one-week pass FX, but starting with next episode No William, We Riot. That's a promise. 

-Martha's at Clark's place to start, slugging some red wine and prescription pills...

"Poppin' pills is all we know."-Travis Scott/Martha

She has Valium because of panic attacks, so Phillip gives her a number to call if she needs to reach him, but says she needs to memorize it and give the piece of paper he wrote it on back in the morning. To which she basically tells him she never gets tot keep anything of his.

-Cross over the Pacific to Russia and Oleg is being told by his father what happened to Nina...

Poor Oleg. 
-Stan and Neil deGrasse Tyson/Fat Shaggy talk about their suspicions of Martha, and the idea of her seeing a married man as the cause for her secrecy and recent behavior ends up not being too far fetched....

You'll never forget what you saw that night Stan. Mark my words. You know Martha likes to have all sorts of exotic sex now, theres no turning a blind eye to it.

-Phillip and Elizabeth visit Pastor Tim and Alice, and bring a priest from El Salvador to vouch for them...

Alice with a real knee slapper. Ain't no joke like a religious denomination joke!

-Father Revis basically tells Tim and Alice that they are all on the same side, and what Phillip and Elizabeth do does not hurt anyone. If you're like me then you were wondering a little bit about how they got a priest from El Salvador there so fast. Well thats answered when they drop him off at home afterwards...

-Martha goes to Clark's again and this time is being trailed by Fat Shaggy. Luckily Hans, the South American nerd we all forgot about, is doing recon on Martha for this exact reason, and phones the apartment where Phillip is waiting. And Phillip pulls the Irish Goodbye on Martha!

I wasn't expecting that. He slips out the back of the complex and walks behind Shaggys car out of harm's way while Martha gets inside and realizes what's happening after Clark doesn't answer her.

And then...wait a minute. What's that! Could it be! Another?!?!

Oh Martha, I'm sooooooo sorry.

-Oleg is back in America at breaks the Nina news to Arkady. They're both upset, but Arkady because he can't believe Nina would throw away another chance after he backed her. Oleg cant seem to believe that and leaves. He ends up meeting with Stan to break it to him as well...

I swear I'm done. And then Oleg turned into The Rock for a second...

-You can see Oleg turning. He says he can't even believe int he cause his brother died fighting for anymore. He'll probably turn before the season finale, and may get mixed up with Phillip and Elizabeth.

-Martha calls the number she got from Philip and is told he'll call back in an hour, which he does. At the end of the call he tells her he loves her, which gives us a great moment in proving wife telepathy...

Daggers. They meet with Gabriel to discuss Martha, and they want Phillip to keep working her and want him to give her cameras and memorize stuff, which he's adamantly against doing. They give him the old "no we'll protect her" act but its pretty obvious where this will all end up (Another Crying Jordan meme).

-Oh, yeah, this also happened:

...I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet.

-Matthew arrives at Stans and to his surprise Henry is already there. Big Hank apparently already has their plans for the night since Stan is going to be working. Pizza and movies and games, and Matthew is overwhelmed.

"Uhh, dad, when did you make the neighbor's son your own son?" Don't worry Matthew, we think its weird to.

-Phillip goes to Stan's to get Henry for dinner, but wants to talk to Stan first. He apologizes for talking with Sandra and going to EST with her without telling Stan (although he shouldn't have to in my opinion), and Stan response is...

Oh hey thanks dude. I just apologized to you for coming into my garage and shoving me against my wall and threatening to harm me after I went to self-help classes and got some food with your EX-wife even though you yourself admitted you know I'd never do anything out of bounds. Yeah, thanks for calling me an asshole, chief.

-Phillip meets Neil deGrasse Tyson when he comes to pick up Stan, which Elizabeth sees for their window. He's the one that was with Gaad when Elizabeth beat them up, and Phillip finds out he's the one who took Martha to dinner.

-Elizabeth tries to tell him again they'll protect her, but he's just sort of half there, so she decides to take his mind off his fake-wife and remind him his real wife is an absolute sex-rocket and dragon in the sack. Here's the link since I don't want to embed it here:

So overall not a bad episode. The lack of physical action is made up for through seeing three separate hearts get torn to shreds, though the lack of William still doesn't sit right. Fix that FX.

Preview for next week:
Ruh roh Martha. 

Hit me up with other theories, questions, comments, let me know if you think I missed anything here, the whole 9 on Twitter @TheSituAsian508. Имейте хороший товарищей.

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