Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Americans "Experimental Prototype City Of Tomorrow" Recap

Yes, I know this is very late. I just got around to watching the episode today. 

Episode 3 opened with maybe the creepiest shot in the series' history. 


Phillip and Elizabeth met with Pastor Tim about not disclosing their identities. They tried to make it sound like they weren't murdering dudes every week, to no avail.
"You think I believe your bullshit?"

Pastor Tim just calls them out, saying "I know what spies do," to which the Jennings reply that when they were originally hired they were called "peace workers". Then he tells them he told his wife, who according to Paige loves to blab.

This leads to Phillip continuing to push that they should leave and flee to Russia. While Gabriel tells them to stay out as he and the enter work something out, he ends up speaking with Claudia in the park and telling her that it may be the best move to get the Jennings family out. He also admits trying to turn Paige was a big mistake. Outwardly expressing that opinion to a fellow KGB who is adamant in keeping the Jennings in place and working may not be the best idea.

At the FBI, Gaad has a classic "boss under pressure" blowup on the agents over people not logging their copies. This seems innocent enough to everyone, but remember that last week Stan spoke with Martha at the copy machine. This obviously raises some suspicion, and if missing copies end up doing in the whole group that would be one of the best and strangest twists ever. 

We also find out Stan is being a creep and tracking Martha, and has been for weeks. 
Ruh roh Martha. 

He outright announces his suspicion of Martha to the Neil Degrasse Tyson looking agent that no one remembers the name of. 
Actually I think that is just NDT. Putting in overtime as an astrophysicist and actor/FBI agent, good for him. 

Elizabeth is working a Korean lady now, I guess? Without any prior explanation, she starts selling makeup and befriends this Korean lady, who invites her over for dinner with the whole family. The popular theory is that the lady's husband is a scientist and has higher clearance to more dangerous bioweapons than William. We'll get to William last...

Nina is guilty. There won't even be a trial to fight for innocence, just over what her punishment is. She has a dream about Stan later on, where she enters what looks like that apartment they met in when she was still in the States. Stan tells her he's sorry, and the camera pans and follows her look to the scientist she had been working with. I have no idea what to make of that, and no one on the internet does either. My best guess is we'll see her have the same dream over and over, and it'll progress farther each time. 

The Center has decided that the Jennings family will go to the recently opened Epcot Centre as part of their travel agent duties, and while in Orlando the pastor and his wife will "have an accident". Phillip immediately objects, saying Paige isn't stupid. And he's right. "Oh, I just told this guy specifically and he told his wife and they somehow died while we were conveniently away? Gee, I wonder who could have done it?" No, the Center isn't giving her enough credit, no matter how annoying she is. Phillip confirms a few times this episode his belief that leaving is the best option. 

Speaking of Paige and Tim, she meets with him to ask why he would tell anyone, considering it a breach of trust. Well, they both get upset. Tim told Phillip and Elizabeth that his pact with confessors ends when it interferes with helping the greater good. But I think he'll eventually let his emotions get in the way and keep the secret and not turn them in. 

Sandra visits the Jennings house and talks with Phillip, and he tells her to basically lay off Stan and cut him some slack. It's tough to tell is he's being genuine or if its a result of him and Elizabeth deciding it would be nice to have a friend in the FBI, or both, but I foresee Sandra telling Stan to reunite with Phillip. And theres a good chance of that being the intention before something goes completely wrong. 

Finally, the last sequence where we see William again.

Phillip and Elizabeth go to Gabriel's safe house to talk and find him having trouble breathing on the floor, slipping in and out of consciousness and bleeding from the head. He tells them to get out, which made me think someone attacked him and maybe bugged the house? But then they mention he could have somehow contacted Glanders and then fallen, which would explain he blood. That's bad news, because the two of them touched the blood and his mouth. 

They signal William and he continued to be my new favorite character.

When told that the two may ave been exposed to Glanders, he pulls the classic run away move.

Valiant effort, but they chase him down because, you know, he's an old scientist and they're trained KGB operatives. Phillip pins him down and does one of the most disrespectful things I have ever seen.

Ladies and gentlemen, not only did he just spit in his face (with a quality loogie I might add), but he just infected him with a deadly disease. And then he unleashed a perfect response.

Just so genuine. So much spite. The way it built up inside him. The emphasis at the beginning. God I love this guy. Gone suck when he gets capped.
They go to his apartment and shoot up what they hope are cures, but since there is no known cure for this, well time will tell. And he has yet another great scene.

"My skin has no natural lubricants." FANTASTIC line.

They go to Gabriel and administer the hopeful cure, and he informs the Jennings that they'll all have to be there in quarantine for 36 hours at a minimum, meaning no Epcot.

Here's the preview for next weeks episode:
Stan starts snooping. Paige calls Elizabeth to confess something (maybe she told someone else, my dark horse guess is Henry). They seem to be right on the brink of leaving the country. And its titled "Chloramphenicol", which is the name of the potential antidote they all took.

As it appears the Pastor Tim KGB theory has now gone out the window, hit me up with other theories, questions, comments, let me know if you think I missed anything here, the whole 9 on Twitter @TheSituAsian508. Имейте хороший товарищей.

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