Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Revs Draw Again, 1-1 With Portland, And A Word On Timbers Army

I'm going to make my game analysis as short as possible because there's something else I want to get to.

-Lineup Notes: Teal apparently injured, Tierney obviously injured and out, but Charlie back in the XI with Juan on the bench. Dig gets the start over Scotty next to Koffie. Donnie Smith is apparently still alive, otherwise someone stole his identity and is playing left back.

-Well it was nice to see Charlie get the start. After a few sub appearances, he was looking to go as close to a full 90 as possible. But the Soccer Gods are cruel, as he pulled up with an apparent hamstring injury again:

Gutted. Absolutely gutted for him. Worked his ass off to get back on the field, went through the off the field stuff with his twin boys born 3 months prematurely, was itching to get an increase in minutes, and to be cruising early only to have something go is cruel twist of fate. Hoping it isn't too bad but I'm not holding my breath.

-Rowe and Watson each had chances in the first but nothing was happening. Same for Portland. Just a lot of midfield play, and sloppy at that.

-Jack Barmby, on loan from EPL leaders Leicester City, scored his first MLS goal for Portland to open the scoring in the 2nd:
Just one of those weird goals that takes a path you wouldn't expect. Not gonna fault Bobby for that one.

-Revs equalize late, thought it was Femi but they're calling it an own goal on Portland, so I'll continue to say it was Femi. Love that kid.

-Also, his shoes:

-Really not much else happened. Revs dominated possession, Portland looked dangerous countering, neither team gets full points. Seems fitting, especially given the Revs season.

Man of the Match
I'm giving it to Donnie "Wild Thornberry" Smith.
For someone who hasn't appeared in an MLS match since March of 2014, I was impressed by him. He filled in for Chris Tierney admirably, putting in good crosses, showing off an impressive motor, not making any big defensive errors. He was real solid. It's good to know we have a serviceable backup at left back now and won't be forced into playing Watson there if Tierney is ever out again. 

Next game is at home this Saturday, April 30th, at 730 PM, hosting Orlando. Hope for a win, prepare for a draw. 

Before we close today's recap, the main thing I wanted to touch on. 

Before the game the Timbers supporters group Timber's Army tweeted this.
Fair enough. Gillette Stadium policy for banners from away groups is nothing bigger than 6x4 (though I've also heard 6x4). There are no actual measurements on the stadium website, but this is from people I've spoken with and have seen bring this up on Reddit. Now apparently Gillette staff said they couldn't bring it in because of the message, and that I do think is a little soft. I have no problem with the message, its playful banter. But it wouldnt have been allowed inside anyway, since it's taller than the limits. Probably shitty rules to, but we didn't make them, the stadium staff did. So that's why I have an issue with this.

A lot of whining coming form the people accusing us of whining. And then they started attacking our soccer culture. Getting on Brad Feldman's play-by-play because he said fast break during one of Portland's counter attacks. Newsflash, it may be easier for some new viewers to grasp that concept when put into terms of, I don't know, basketball, since the Celtics are bigger and in the playoffs. Harping about our chants and how they have more than one. Hey guys, we have more than one as well, you're not so special. They even got on Jessie Cofield for not sounding "professional enough"? What planet am I on? You want fucking Doris Burke patrolling the sidelines of Gillette for a local broadcast you're streaming from your fucking locally owned coffee house? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU FUCKING LOSERS.

Oh but they consider themselves the best fans in MLS. And I'd agree, I love seeing the atmosphere at Providence Park; it's what I hope Revs games in a SSS in Boston will someday look like. It's great for the league. But be more self-righteous, holier-than-thou, "We're the gold standard", you can't. You'd think they were fucking royalty and we were poor pieces of garbage waiting in bread lines during the fucking French Revolution. Hey Timbers Army, and Timbers fans in general, you may be great supporters but you're attitude stinks. STINKS. Also, you guys put a gold star next to your names on Twitter, v cute imo.

I really wasn't up for this game initially. I dreaded the outcome, and was running on fumes after a long night studying. But seeing that shit? I got fired up. I got irrationally angry over people being irrationally angry. I wanted the Revs to send those hipster bearded fucks to an early grave.

Although a win would have been best, that equalizer taking points, and therefore the souls, from Timbers fans is a good consolation. Use your fucking tifo to wipe your tears and head back to the Rose City you cheecharoo's.

And then we had people chirping about attendance. I'll just leave this Reddit exchange since I'm so tired of talking about attendance.

Fans in new England are at their best when its us vs. the world, the elites, the odds. The Timbers are the St. Louis Cardinals of MLS. Fans call themselves the best, turn their noses at others and can do no wrong. They cheer their teams the right way, and if something doesn't go their way then they'll make sure everyone knows about it and knows that the other team isn't doing things "the right way". They'll take their Twitter Fingers and go to work over social media. And their team won the title last year. But what else? Right now, the Revs are pre-2004 Red Sox. Our one is going to taste so much sweeter than any of yours. You won't know the heartbreak like we do. So keep crying over your precious little tifo all the way back to your hipster town. 

Oh and this guy...

A. I think a lot of people talked about the Revs on social media in the finals in 2014, just a guess though.

2. Sweet shades and beard dude. I didn't realize white frames were back in. Maybe you can "Soulja Boy" on them to, really bring back the nostalgia. 
And D. Awesome DeflateGate joke, guy. Very topical. You know what else is topical? The closest NFL team to your location is your city's biggest rival. You are irrelevant in the football landscape while Lombardi's and rings and wins pour out of every orifice on my body. St. Louis will get another NFL team and have them move to LA as well before Portland even sniffs the taint of an NFL team. Really good setup though. Have to give credit where credit is due. The "Wait for it" really had me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would come next and then KAPOW! DeflateGate son! 

Meet me in Temecula. 

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