Friday, April 22, 2016

The Americans "The Rat" Recap

It's all starting to hit the fan now. Martha is cooked. I'll get more into it in the timeline summary, so let's get into it right away.

-Start right off with Elizabeth just playing with Phillip's nips. 

Let your freak flag fly girl. In case you forgot they had sex last episode, they had sex last episode. Congrats on the sex you two.

-Stan and Neil deGrasse Tyson officially suspect Martha of being "bad". The ting is that they suspect her of being KGB, rather than just being worked by the KGB. They bring up the fact that she stays secret about her personal life, is involved with a married man (the same way Elizabeth has been to get information) and the fact the last guy she was romantically involved with was Agent Amador, who got murked back in season one. Being in their position, all signs would absolutely point to the KGB.

-The William Moment of the Week:

-Phillip asks him what the newest test bacteria is, and I'm not trying to spell it, but William say its easily weaponized and nasty stuff. Phillip says, "Sounds good." To which William responds...

-Phillip makes the decision to pull Martha off the street and takes her to a safe house. Gabriel puts on the nice act in front of her but goes off on Phillip, who gives it right back. Things are so heated between him and Gabriel you can really see the disdain Phillip has for Gabriel specifically, but for what the Center is putting him and Martha through. I need to see him go rogue before this season ends.

-Clark's sister arrives, otherwise known as Elizabeth. 

Martha's mad stupid. You're entire relationship with Clark is a sham, why would his "sister" be any different? Now I get why Phillip chose her. Zero working brain cells.

-Phillip tells Elizabeth Martha has already seen her, obvious marital tension bubbling up as a result of Phillip keeping it secret. Apparently great sex can't save marriages, so we should all quit while we can.

That face screams "You're sleeping on the couch again".

-If Henry doesn't stop asking about goddamn Epcot I'm going to start openly rooting for his demise.

-Even with her life falling apart, Martha finds time to be the jealous chick:

-Martha asks Phillip who he works for. He says KGB. Her response.:

Gee Martha, who in the hell do you think Clark works for? Mexico? Canada? Who is your country in a proxy war against right now and would benefit from gaining information from within government organizations? Read a book one time for me.

-She turns it to hot and heavy and sounds like "I Know Places" by Taylor Swift:

Sidenote, Tay get some music on YouTube. Make life easier for us Bloggers.

-And then drops an absolute bombshell of a line:


She wants to trap you and make it impossible for you to leave her. We learned earlier in the episode Martha has been pregnant before but her partner at the time left her and she got an (illegal) abortion. She's batshit crazy. Do not, I repeat DO NOT, knock this chick up.

-Poor Gabriel:

Downright hilarious. Gabriel getting woken up by the moaning is perfect. He's the college kid who's trying to just get some shut eye on a Wednesday night because he has an exam in his 8 AM the next morning, but his Don Juan roommate brought a girl back from the bar and proceeds to lay pipe. And Martha is the girl who just overdoes it for some reason in some weird quest to prove herself or something. Guys, Gabriel has a microeconomics exam in 7 hours and would like to wake up on time, please keep it down. And yes I know the audio isn't great on that clip, that's a Jimbo.

-Martha calls in sick, but when Stan and Fat Shaggy call her house and get the answering machine, the know something is up. For the sake of brevity I'm skipping ahead in the story; they go to her place and she's not there. They end up at Clark's place and there's nothing there. They have forensics start collecting prints and ID'ing the place.

-The idea is that Martha basically will never go home. Phillip is convinced she's compromised (he's right) and since she can't go back to work or her house, he wants to get her out. He has to go meet William, but when he goes to tell Martha she's asleep. She doesn't wake up, probably just exhaustion from what's been going on, but I, like Phillip, thought she maybe killed herself, either with pills or the gun she brought from home. He takes the gun and there's a whole sequence with him holding it and to be honest I don't really know what it was about but whatever. 

-The Rezidentura is preparing to exfiltrate Martha. Arkady says the person in question (Martha) and the operatives (Phillip, Elizabeth, Gabriel) are just waiting on them. 

-With the forensics back, there basically isn't a Clark. Two names show up, only one would work but its a longshot. Basically Martha is cooked (still). They tell Gaad of their suspicions, to which he has a great reaction:

Martha's officially blacklisted at the office, and likely the rest of the agency and branches will likely be on the lookout for her. 

-William brings a new disease that can be weaponized, in a very innovative way:

Gross. William, I love ya, but that's nasty. He couldn't get a pure culture, but they can take samples from that dead rat they tested it on.

-Martha wakes up and Phillip is still gone. She goes downstairs, runs into Gabriel, is a real bitch to him, and then goes back upstairs. And then she runs away. She thinks Gabriel did something to Phillip and threatens to out him as KGB if she touches her (good stranger danger skills to be honest). So she's gone rogue and is going to screw EVERYTHING up. I though it would be Paige but Marha is the cut that starts the bleeding. (To be honest, just look at the preview for a quick clip of Martha leaving the safe house. I don't have the storage or energy to take the full video. If that sounds pathetic, well so be it. Minor setback for a major comeback-JJ Watt, probably.)

This weeks episode was cleverly titled "The Rat". You have the literal rat William gives Phillip, but also the plot line that Martha is a rat in the FBI. Bravo The Americans, bravo.

Next week's preview:

It makes it look like FBI is going to get to Martha, but I think it ends up being KGB/Rezidentura to exfiltrate her. 

Hit me up with other theories, questions, comments, let me know if you think I missed anything here, the whole 9 on Twitter @TheSituAsian508. Имейте хороший товарищей.

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