Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Americans "Travel Agents" Recap

Gonna make this short. I just watched the episode since it's almost finals week. Don't have any pictures or Vines for this one. Promise a major comeback after this minor setback y'all. Without further ado...

-Rezidentura has their extraction plan for Martha. Low flying plane to Florida, boat to Cuba, plane to Prague, finally Russia. Congrats Martha, you're going to the Soviet Union.

-Some unreal wife faces from Elizabeth, first at the beginning, but they continued throughout the episode. Keri Russell is awesome with her facial expressions telling the whole story.

-Stan and Neil deGrasse Tyson get some info back on Clark Westerfield. Turns out Martha's boyfriend has a fake identity, confirming in their minds that Martha is KGB who made that all up as cover. Except for the fact they talked with the super at the apartment complex who has seen "Clark". But never mind that.

-Gabriel tells the two what happened and before the search starts they agree that if it comes down to it, Martha is getting capped.

-Martha has a great scene on the street where she thinks everyone near her is watching her, for either side really. She's so paranoid at this point. Needs to lay off the K2 or else she'll end up jumping through a window like Robert Nkemdiche. 

-FBI in the war room finds out she's calling her parents and taps into the feed. You can see on their faces it's a super messed up situation. They have to do this but dont want to listen to Martha cry-talk with her parents in what almost sounds like a goodbye. They track her to a park and move out.

-Ok maybe it really is good Martha wasn't on the Spice, cause she easily would have jumped off the bridge in the park. She was already probably seriously contemplating it, but that K Swizzle would have put it over the edge and then some.

-When Martha calls the ops center, Phillip just immediately cuts off the operator lady. Hit her with the Crying Jordan ASAP. Phillip has no time for you and your weird feelings about the job lady.

-We see Oleg and Not Nina at the Rezidentura, maybe a little spark there?

-Elizabeth in her "clark's Sister" disguise gets to the park first and confronts Martha. Martha continues to be annoying to no end and pulls out an all-time line: "Are you sleeping with my husband?!" Bitch if only you knew. If only YOU KNEW! Everything "Clark" has told you to this point has been a lie. You're not his actual wife idiot! 

-Martha threatens to yell. It looked like Elizabeth might have killed Martha. Her hand was in her pocket and looked like she had a gun there. Then I thought maybe she stabbed her. It was just a punch and part of me was thinking maybe a pair of brass knuckles was involved because good god what  body shot. Elizabeth or god damn Kimbo Slice?

-Paige goes over to the Bemoans where Matthew and Henry are just slugging some brews, guys being dudes. Then she walks for one. The 80's, What A Time To Be Alive indeed.

-Gaad says he's pretty much already dead when it comes to his job. A bug in his office, that IT guy whose name I cant remember right now, now Martha. So he has no problem saying whatever he wants to higher ups, in his mind he's already cooked once this situation is over. 

-Even with a massive bruise and in pain, Martha pulls off the sassy pose and demands to know Phil's Russian name. Kinda wish Elizabeth just killed her tbh.

-The FBI finally figures it out when Gaad gets the wedding certificate. Martha married a KGB officer. Stan is in disbelief, coming up with different scenarios and reasons as to why Martha was KGB the whole time and not seduced and turned under everyones nose.

-Phil drops the Russia bomb on Martha and it was AWESOME. Then she asks how long until he joins her, maybe thinking 3 months when the mission is over eh? NOPE.

He ain't goin bihhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

-And then she drops the most Martha line ever: "I'll be alone, just the way it was before I met you." Screw you Martha, trying to make Phil feel bad and abandon his missions and family for you. Manipulatin' Ass Bitch. MAB, Martha's new nickname.

-Next week's episode is titled "The Magic of David Copperfield V: The Statue of Liberty Disappears". Have to imagine they use this big moment when the country is distracted to get Martha out with little attention. Here's the preview:

Hit me up with other theories, questions, comments, let me know if you think I missed anything here, the whole 9 on Twitter @TheSituAsian508. Имейте хороший товарищей, Он горит.

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